Inspired by David Pye
 Part 5 – Diversity

Inspired by David Pye
 Part 5 – Diversity

It is a masterly demonstration of the principle of diversity: small elements barely at the threshold of recognition are capable of intensifying the character of the larger forms which underlie them. David Pye Introduction In my previous essay, I made the point...

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Inspired By David Pye – Art Is Risk

Inspired By David Pye – Art Is Risk

The essential idea is that the quality of the result is continually at risk during the process of making. David Pye Introduction:  In the previous essay, I looked at David Pye’s concepts of workmanship of risk and workmanship of certainty. I discussed...

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Inspired By David Pye Part 2

Inspired By David Pye Part 2

The Designs Of Previous Artists It needs to be said and heard – it’s OK to be who you are. Hailee Steinfeld Introduction In my previous essay, I looked at David Pye’s concept of design as it applies to the world of...

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The Artistic Profession

The Artistic Profession

Introduction Each profession has unique characteristics.  Each profession has requirements.  Art is no different.  Just like any profession art has its own set of characteristics and requirements.  We can call them tenets, rules, principles, concepts or some other word.  What term we...

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The Persistence Of Style

The Persistence Of Style

It is only an auctioneer who can equally and impartially admire all schools of art. Walt Whitman Introduction In my previous essay I talked about art movements and paradigms and I explained how an art movement is different from a paradigm.  In...

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How Long Do Art Movements Last?

How Long Do Art Movements Last?

Almost always, the men who achieve the fundamental inventions of a new paradigm have been either very young or very new to the field whose paradigm they change. Thomas Kuhn Introduction – Difference Between Paradigms and Movements In my previous essays, I...

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Those Who Came Before – Part 2

Those Who Came Before – Part 2

Creativity is perceiving something familiar in an utterly new fashion. Jeffrey S. Kingston Introduction I ended the first part of this essay by talking about the dichotomy introduced by the influence of the photographers that came before me.  This dichotomy can be...

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Those Who Came Before Part One

Those Who Came Before Part One

To know ahead of time what you’re looking for means you’re then only photographing your preconceptions, which is very limiting. Dorothea Lange Introduction When I started landscape photography, I was influenced by those who came before me. I tried to create photographs...

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