The Photo and Video Kit Hall Of Fame

The Photo and Video Kit Hall Of Fame

  Publisher’s Note: If you are a regular reader of this site you know I like photo gear.  When this came across my desk I thought you might enjoy not only looking at some classic gear being nominated.  It will be fun...

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Too Much Photo Gear – GAS

Too Much Photo Gear – GAS

GAS – Gear Acquisition Syndrome What I Am Doing During The COVID-19 Lockdown If you have been following this site for a while I am sure you have read about how COVID-19 attacked our family. We lost my wife (Debra’s) dad and...

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Get It Used – Used Photo Pro

Get It Used – Used Photo Pro

Over the last few years, we have seen dozens and dozens of new digital cameras introduced. All of this is great, and it’s probably never been a better time to be a photographer. But, with these new introductions, there is a problem,...

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