The Language of Art Part 6 – Branching Out

The Language of Art Part 6 – Branching Out

Modernism and Abstraction: New Branches In The Language Of Art. Dialects If we metaphorically compare major languages to tree trunks and secondary languages to tree branches, languages ‘branch out.’ This means that languages depart from the trunk and form branches.  A form...

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Photographic Flexibility

Photographic Flexibility

My Current Approach To Landscape Photography Artists do not discriminate art on the basis of the tools used to create the work. Alain Briot It used to be that I would take hours to get to a location, set up my gear...

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Faces of The Divine

Faces of The Divine

“Within man is the soul of the whole; the wise silence; the universal beauty, to which every part and particle is equally related; the eternal ONE. And this deep power in which we exist and whose beatitude is all accessible to us...

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Transforming Reality Part 1 – Changes In My Work

Transforming Reality Part 1 – Changes In My Work

Art is transformation of reality. Introduction I believe that art is the transformation of reality.  In my current work, this transformation of reality is essentially focused on color.  A number of other alterations, modifications, or manipulations, to use a term favored by...

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Inspired By David Pye Part 2

Inspired By David Pye Part 2

The Designs Of Previous Artists It needs to be said and heard – it’s OK to be who you are. Hailee Steinfeld Introduction In my previous essay, I looked at David Pye’s concept of design as it applies to the world of...

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How To Make Your Photography Connect With Viewers

How To Make Your Photography Connect With Viewers

‘The Artistic Principles’ Are Critical Good photographs express an idea, evoke emotion, and reward the viewer. The nucleus of a good photograph is ‘Emotion.’ – The photographers’ ability to push the viewer’s emotional buttons, appeal to the viewers’ senses, and trigger emotion.  Often,...

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As You Press The Shutter

As You Press The Shutter

Some Comments On The Thought Process As you press the shutter, what are you pointing your camera at and why?  Regardless of whether it is fast action or on a tripod after deliberation, those are not simply uninformed snap decisions.  What makes...

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