My Sunday Photo Adventure With Rad Drew

My Sunday Photo Adventure With Rad Drew

Every now and then, photographers like myself need to seek therapy, and I’m not one for doing traditional therapy, so I grab my camera gear and head out for a day of photography.  This kind of therapy is even better when you...

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Format The Mind

Format The Mind

So I write this commentary from the perspective of a hobbyist – a person who loves the craft, but not someone whose income depends on photography.   In all candor, at one time I did work as a photographer, eked out a...

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Olympus Says Goodbye To Its Camera Business

Olympus Says Goodbye To Its Camera Business

The Handwriting Was On The Wall For months now, anyone with their ear to the ground was getting the vibrations that Olympus was in trouble. The once well-respected camera brand that made their name since the film days (1939) manufacturing well-built, small-sized...

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A Conversation With Steve Gosling

A Conversation With Steve Gosling

Today we continue with our conversations series. This is a series of Zoom video meetings with photographers and industry vendors. We talk about what we have been doing while in lockdown, as well as how the Covid-19 crisis has changed our outlook...

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Gear Of The Year 2019 – On The Rocks

Gear Of The Year 2019 – On The Rocks

Wow, what a year it has been. So many cameras, lenses, and new photo gear. I can’t quite remember a year quite like this. There are many good products available it’s hard to pick the winners. So, we tried to our best...

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