Write For Us

PhotoPXL is all about the community. Our website publishes a variety of articles on various photographic topics. Our success is based on the contributions of fellow photographers and the articles they write. We hope you may consider writing articles for us. It could be one article or a series of articles. We pride ourselves with clean design and easy to find content.

Our site is visited by a large number of photographers each month. Your article will be read by, just like yourself. Each article has an authors bio with it, and there you can set up links back to your own website. You can also link to our site giving your site visitors a chance to read your article on a respected photography site.

We are looking for articles that are original and unpublished by any other web site. If you have self-published the article on your own website, then that is OK. We accept articles on a wide variety of photography topics. You could write an essay on the aesthetics of photography, a tutorial, travel experiences, and even an opinion piece. We reserve the right to decide if the content fits our site. If it does, then we will put the material into our system and publish it.

As we grow, we will be looking for regular contributors that are willing to have an article published regularly. We will also be looking for editors at large to work on specific topics, such as Nikon cameras or inkjet printing. If you are interested in writing a regular column, then please contact Kevin Raber.

Article Specifications

We accept text file, word doc, and page documents. The article should be anywhere from 1000-5000 words. For larger articles, we reserve the right to split the article into parts for more comfortable reading by our audience. You may also want to include a PDF showing where images are to be placed.

Since we are a photography website, we want to publish photos with your article. It has been our practice to use one picture for every two paragraphs. This splits the article up into easy to read segments. I suggest that you run your article through Grammarly before submission. Grammarly will look for spelling, punctuation as well as grammar and make suggestions for corrections.

Images should be sized to 2000 pixels for the long edge at 72ppi, in sRGB color space. Typically we find it useful to use the Export to Web feature in Photoshop. This is where you can export the image to the specified size and change the color space to sRGB. If you need assistance with this, then please contact us.

If your article needs to use before and after examples, we offer this as part of our service with a before and after slide over. Image size should still be the same specs as above. Please indicate which image is before and after.

If images need to be placed in specific locations of your article, then please make sure it easy to match the image up with the location. Also, please include a caption if needed at the position in the text of the article where it is to be placed.

Email your article to Kevin Raber, and we suggest using a service such as We Transfer to send your image files to us. We will generally confirm receiving new content within 24 hours.

If you have any interest in discussing a possible topic, then please contact Kevin Raber.

Thank you very much for considering being part of photoPXL.com.

Kevin Raber
CEO & Publisher