I’m On Vero, It’s About Time

I’m On Vero, It’s About Time

For Once A Social Media Platform For Photographers Vero, has been around a while, but most recently gained a lot of attention as photographers and members of Instagram felt that Instagram was going in the wrong direction. The problem with social media...

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Having Fun With The Pixel Stick

Having Fun With The Pixel Stick

The Pixel Stick Experience I have had access to The Pixel Stick for the last several years. It is not something I use all the time but when I do the photographic experience is always fun and memorable. I think this is...

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Follow Us On Instagram

Follow Us On Instagram

A Great Way To Keep Up With Our Photography Follow Kevin Raber on Instagram HERE Are you on Instagram? Are you following Michael Durr and me? Maybe you are not a big social media person. I can understand that. Social media and all...

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Brian Stidham Instagram Vignette

Brian Stidham Instagram Vignette

Our fun Instagram Vignette series continues. This is Michael Durr’s special project. Michael along with Chris Sanderson is responsible for all the PXL videos. They will be very busy over the next few months with some interesting video projects we are working...

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