Camera Bag Shame – CBS

Camera Bag Shame – CBS

My Name Is Kevin Raber, and I Am A Camera Bag Addict We have all heard of GAS (Gear Aquisition Syndrome). I wrote about this during the Pandemic, Too Much Photo Gear  as well as a video on The Daily Chat. I...

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The Big Seven Zero 70

The Big Seven Zero 70

It’s My Birthday – The Big 70 There is so much happening, and I’m so excited about many things.  Today, I turned seventy.  Frankly, I don’t feel any different than I did the day before, but the odometer clicked over, and here...

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Give photoPXL A Chance

Give photoPXL A Chance

All We Are Saying Is Give photoPXL A Chance The photography world is changing.  Over the last few months, we have seen photo magazines shut down.  We have seen one of the largest photography websites almost shut down (DPreview). Luckily, they were...

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Happy Thanksgiving 2023

Happy Thanksgiving 2023

From Our Family To Yours It’s been another year of challenges.  No matter what, though, I am thankful to be doing what I love and surrounded by a strong and loving family. Debra and I are going to one of our family...

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Remember 9/11 – Photo Essay

Remember 9/11 – Photo Essay

Today is the anniversary of a day I will never forget.  For many reasons, 9/11 is a day that will be permanently etched in my mind.  I’ll never forget where I was when the first news came in of a plane hitting...

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The Story Of Kodak’s Fall By AI

The Story Of Kodak’s Fall By AI

This is an AI-generated story about the decline and eventual failure of Kodak.   Intro It’s been a while since I published a story, and I want to apologize for that.  PhotoPXL is alive and well.  As the publisher, I have been...

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DPReview Is Shutting Down

DPReview Is Shutting Down

It’s A Sad Day The photography industry sure is changing. This morning, most likely, you found a message announcing the closing of the #1 photography website, DPReivew.  This is a surprise and very sad.  DPreview is owned by Amazon and they have...

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Capture One – We Are Breaking Up

Capture One – We Are Breaking Up

Capture One Is Awarded The Worst Marketing Message Ever Like many of you, I received an email on Wednesday, January 18th, about changes with Capture One Subscriptions, Licenses, and Cost Of Ownership. Let me tell you, I have never seen a more...

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Of The Be Persuasion

Of The Be Persuasion

There are those who go to wild places intending to do things in them; there are those who go to wild places just to be in them. I am of the “be” persuasion. – Guy Tal When it comes to nature enthusiasts,...

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Happy Thanksgiving 2022

Happy Thanksgiving 2022

Happy Thanksgiving We made it to Thanksgiving 2022.  Every year, this is a milestone.  It seems that every new year has brought its own challenges and makes Thanksgiving a time to reflect and raise our hands in celebration and say yes; we...

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