My Other Websites

My Other Websites

New Feature Added Today My Other Three Sites As you probably have figured out photography is my passion.  It consumes me and has since I was a teenager. I count my blessings that I  have been able to build a career in...

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New Photography Magazine FRAMES

New Photography Magazine FRAMES

It is undeniable that we live in a digital age. For a fact, photography has been one of those genres that have undergone quite a dramatic transformation in the last few decades. The overwhelming majority of photographs are captured with digital cameras....

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Remember 9/11 – Photo Essay

Remember 9/11 – Photo Essay

Today is the anniversary of a day I will never forget.  For many reasons, 9/11 is a day that will be permanently etched in my mind.  I’ll never forget where I was when the first news came in of a plane hitting...

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Format The Mind

Format The Mind

So I write this commentary from the perspective of a hobbyist – a person who loves the craft, but not someone whose income depends on photography.   In all candor, at one time I did work as a photographer, eked out a...

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July Fourth 2020

July Fourth 2020

This weekend we celebrate one of America’s biggest holidays. This year, though, will be one we won’t forget for a long time. The Fourth, as we call it, is one of the best days as it is usually jam-packed with parades, picnics,...

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Saving Your Memories – Make Prints

Saving Your Memories – Make Prints

The Value of the Print A few years back, with the death of my mom and dad, and now recently with my wife Debra’s father passing away from COVID-19, I have come to realize how important the print is to photography. We...

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Memorial Day In America

Memorial Day In America

Today is Memorial Day.  It’s a day we remember all of those who have served and sacrificed their lives so we can have the life and freedom that we so enjoy today.  It’s always been a special day for my family and...

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Too Much Photo Gear – GAS

Too Much Photo Gear – GAS

GAS – Gear Acquisition Syndrome What I Am Doing During The COVID-19 Lockdown If you have been following this site for a while I am sure you have read about how COVID-19 attacked our family. We lost my wife (Debra’s) dad and...

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