RAW Edits With Kevin

I'm set up and ready to go
I’m set up and ready to go

Let’s have some fun and get to know each other better. On Tuesday, August 11th, at 5:00 PM. I Will host a two-hour Zoom meeting with the express purpose of working on RAW files from our audience. This could be a lot of fun.

Here’s how it will work. Use the link below to register. Space is limited to 100 attendees. After you are registered to send me your RAW files as well as a JPEG of the way you processed the image. It will be fun to compare with what I do in the end. I’ll take a select number of files submitted and using Capture One to share the way I would approach processing the image. Since this is an interactive meeting the person whose RAW file I am working on can be placed in live mode and discuss the processing technique, their intentions when creating the image.

Before and after as well as notations on what will be done
Before and after as well as notations on what will be done

I’ll be using Capture One for the demonstration. Essentially anything I show with Capture One can pretty much be done with Lightroom or any other processor. I will also show some of the third party applications that are available like NIK, Luminar, and Topaz.

See the settings
See the settings

I’ll explain my thinking while working on the file and possibly present several options in regards to the final version. Many times with my own work I will make a few variations of the image, whether it be cropping, color treatment, or black and white versions, and then live with them for a while.

I’ll try this series out for three Tuesdays in a row. The first day will be August 11th at 5 PM Eastern US Time, August 18th at 5 PM and finally August 25th at 5 PM. Officially I’ll do an hour’s worth of demos but be forewarned the events may run a bit longer.

Follow along as Kevin does edits
Follow along as Kevin does edits

I’ll record the session and make it available in an article a short time after the date. This way in case you can’t make it to the live version you’ll still be able to watch it. The goal of this series is to give you an idea of what can be done with an image in the RAW processing stage. I’m always up for a challenge so send me a few tough RAW files if you’d like. Remember I will pick which ones to work on with the intention of having a good file to demo with. I don’t think we can get through all the RAW files but we’ll see where we are after the three events.

To be part of this event you must register. Upon registration, you’ll receive a link to the event and a confirmation. Please register HERE.  Once you are registered you will receive a confirmation with the link to the meeting.  It says Join Meeting with a link.  That is to be used the day and time of the meeting.  We have had a few people click in thinking they could join the meeting at that time.  See the dates and times above.

Send your RAW files to [email protected]. Please send a maximum of three files in RAW format. Also, if you have already processed the image yourself send along with a JPEG of the final version you did. You can use Wetransfer.com dropbox to deliver the files to me. It would be helpful if you put your first initial and last name as part of the file name for easier identification.

I am sure everyone can benefit from this event. It’s all a good opportunity to meet fellow PXL members face to face. I am really excited about this and look forward to talking about photography and image processing. Don’t hesitate to register today and get me some of your files.

See you next Tuesday at 5 PM

Before and afters

Kevin Raber
August 2020
Kevin Raber
Indianapolis, IN

Photography is my passion and has been for 50 plus years. My career in photography has allowed me to travel the world, meet some of the most interesting people on the planet and see things I could never have dreamed of. My goal is to share the passion of picture taking through photographs and teaching with as many people as I can, hoping it brings them as much joy and happiness as it has me. I do this through photoPXL.com, this site, as well as Rockhopper Workshops, and other projects, as well as teaching as Artist In Residence at the Indianapolis Art Center.

Article Type: Tutorials, Columns, Videos, MISC

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