Palouse Photography Adventure 2023

The Two 2023 Photography Workshops In The Palouse
Lots Of Photos To Enjoy

The famous flag ban along the highway as you enter the Palouse region
The famous flag ban along the highway as you enter the Palouse region

Wow! Where did the summer go? Back in June, I ran two week-long workshops in the Palouse. I’ve been conducting these Palouse workshops for many years. I made my first visit to the Palouse back in 2005 and have watched it change with each visit. Back in the day, not a lot of people knew of the Palouse, but like many things, social media and photographers sharing their images have turned the Palouse into a major destination for photographers and photo workshops.

You are surrounded just about everywhere you look with beautiful landscapes
You are surrounded just about everywhere you look with beautiful landscapes

The good thing is, the Palouse is a vast region and at least with my workshops; we don’t encounter many other photographers unless we are at Steptoe Butte, which is the highest point in the Palouse and gifts us with some stunning 360-degree views. Most workshops in the region are carpool workshops where a caravan of cars follows a lead vehicle and stops wherever to take photos. These workshops sometimes have up to 10 or more people in them. That’s not the way I do it. 

An image from the top of Steptoe Butte
An image from the top of Steptoe Butte

I rent a Suburban 4WD vehicle and take four to five attendees on a daily non-stop trip through some of the most picturesque landscapes in the country. By doing a workshop this way, I have the whole group with me. We exchange great discussions on photography and a lot of other things (no politics allowed though). 

There are numerous dirt roads, and many cars wouldn’t be able to navigate them. With the vehicle I use, we can pretty much go anywhere, and we do just that. It’s also easier to pull one car over to the side of the road safely than three to six cars. We cover hundreds of miles a day and photograph dozens of locations. The images below will give you a taste of the Palouse. You should consider joining me on next year’s trips, so you too can have fun shooting the always amazing Palouse.

If you are a Silver or Gold member, you can click on any images and see it larger

Every road in the Palouse yields photographic gems
Every road in the Palouse yields photographic gems

This Year

I met Paul Reiffer from the UK while out shooting.
I met Paul Reiffer from the UK while out shooting.

The workshops this year were held from June 12 to 17, and June 19 to 24. Every year, I pick everyone up at the airport around noon on the first day. We have lunch, introduce ourselves, and discuss what we hope to gain from the workshop. I also emphasize safety, the importance of respecting farmers’ properties, anticipated weather conditions, and what we can expect over the coming days. After lunch, we head off to our first location, Sprague, Washington. This picturesque town, home to a collection of old trucks, has seen better days. 

Old trucks in Sprague, Washington
Old trucks in Sprague, Washington

This location is a great way to start off the workshop as it features one of the Palouse’s iconic themes — old, abandoned trucks. There is a plethora of color, rust, and trucks to shoot. It’s enjoyable to approach these not only from a literal point of view but also from an abstract perspective. We usually finish this stop off with an ice cream bar from the small grocery store before heading deeper into the true Palouse region.

Register for the 2024 Palouse Workshops

Old trucks and blue skies. with incredible clouds, one of the reasons that makes the Palouse so special.
Old trucks and blue skies. with incredible clouds, one of the reasons that makes the Palouse so special.

The Route

This is the Gaai Map routes for one week in the Palouse. As you can see we covered a lot of ground.
This is the Gaia Map routes for one week in the Palouse. As you can see we covered a lot of ground.

Each year, I choose a section of the Palouse to focus on. A lot of where we go depends on the weather, sky, and clouds. This area is one where you can shoot from dawn to sunset. I use an app on my phone called Gaia GPS. This app tracks my routes for each day and allows me to add photos at any stop we make. These maps are enjoyable to use as they show how much ground we’ve covered. The app also lets you mark a spot and set it for directions for future reference. Any photos I take on the iPhone are saved in the Photos app, and I can locate these places on the map or in the ‘Places’ selection on the iPhone. This feature makes it easy to return to specific spots in the future.

This is from the photos app showing all the places that were shot with the iPhone. The more you zoom in on the iPhone the more these break away into more exacting detail.
This is from the photos app showing all the places that were shot with the iPhone. The more you zoom in on the iPhone the more these break away into more exacting detail.
This show more detail from the Fair map with a picture. This makes it easy to go back to this location.
This show more detail from the Fair map with a picture. This makes it easy to go back to this location.

It’s All About Photography

Sunset looking towards Stepto Butte
Sunset looking towards Stepto Butte

This workshop is all about taking photographs. When I first started hosting workshops, I conducted daily picture editing programs. However, I received numerous comments that, as much as attendees enjoyed the classroom sessions, it was challenging to stay indoors working on images when the weather and scenery were so pleasant outside. Therefore, nowadays, we focus on shooting from the time we leave the hotel until we return at dusk. 

The most delicious Apple Pie from the Pie Safe Resturant
The most delicious Apple Pie from the Pie Safe Resturant

I should mention that we eat well. I know the places to get good food in the region, whether it’s breakfast, lunch, or dinner. You won’t go hungry during my workshops. Some places we dine are very nice, while others are just regular places. We do visit a fantastic breakfast location, as well as a lunch place known for its homemade pies

Great drinks are a way to celebrate a great day of photography
Great drinks are a way to celebrate a great day of photography

Pre sunset food at the Caboose Resturant in the town of Palouse


The Attendees

Shooting from the side of the road
Shooting from the side of the road

My workshops tend to attract more advanced photo enthusiasts. Many of the attendees invest heavily in high-quality, and sometimes expensive, gear to use in the Palouse. This year we had a variety of Phase One cameras, Hasselblads, Leicas, and other mirrorless cameras. We discuss how to shoot certain locations, and I enjoy challenging the group to see things differently. I’m always amazed by the photography that the groups produce. There are so many print-worthy images.

My second workshop group
My second workshop group
The group from the first workshop
The group from the first workshop
Meeting the locals in this photo. The owners of the famous Weber house shared a lot of stories and history after a great sunset shoot
Meeting the locals in this photo. The owners of the famous Weber house shared a lot of stories and history after a great sunset shoot

What Was New This Year

This year, I managed to arrange for the two groups to spend a few hours in an abandoned hospital in Colfax. I published an article about it, which can be FOUND HERE. I shot the hospital on my iPhone using ARW and Hipstamatic, as well as my Sony a7riv. The images were exciting, and I thoroughly enjoy photographing abandoned places.

I took a substantial number of photos using the iPhone. I utilized the ProRAW format and the Hipstamatic app. The Hipstamatic app enabled me to shoot with a unique look that I created using different lens and film combinations. The RAW format allowed me to shoot a RAW file that could be processed in Lightroom. I also shot with the Sony a7riv, as I plan to do some serious pixel peeping between the iPhone and Sony. Frankly, the iPhone RAW files are extremely impressive. I previously published an article titled ‘How Big You Can Go,’ about printing from an iPhone RAW file to large sizes. 

The St Ignatius Abandoned Hospital

The results are quite impressive, and I don’t think will be long before the iPhone becomes a primary camera for many. From what I hear through the rumor mill, the next generation of the iPhone will boast some truly impressive camera and photo specs. I consider these exciting times, and by using certain apps, I can accomplish the same kind of frame averaging in iPhone RAW that a $60,000 Phase One XT camera can do. Check out the Palouse Falls waterfall image below. The app I use for this is Reeflex.

Palouse Falls using the Reflex App on the iPhone that does long exposures without ND filters. Really a very good app.
Palouse Falls using the Reflex App on the iPhone that does long exposures without ND filters. Really a very good app.

The Palouse Inhabitants

Some of the nicest folks I have ever met are the residents and farmers of the Palouse. Over many years, I have made great friends with many of the farmers, and they are always welcoming. 

One of the many colorful people we meet along our travels in the Palouse.
One of the many colorful people we meet along our travels in the Palouse.

Many farmers have shared horror stories of very rude workshop groups and the violation of trespassing on their property. You would think common sense would prevail and folks would stay out of crops and off property, without seeking permission. I have always asked for permission, and in subsequent years, I have brought photos for the farmers from whose properties we were allowed to shoot. However, I have seen groups trample though crops and act as though it is their right to do so. I even watched one workshop leader get arrested in front of this workshop group and taken away for conducting a portrait session in a field with models, light stands, reflectors, and the whole works. The owner wanted him arrested for trespassing. I know this farmer, and he might have suggested a location that the workshop could have used, which would have been beneficial for everyone if he had only asked.

There’s even one resident who has now closed his property to visitors because of an encounter with a well-known photographer early one Sunday morning. One rude photographer has now ruined it for everyone else. It didn’t have to be this way, as the farmer in question has been most gracious over the years. All he would have had to do is ask and come at a reasonable time. 

Next Workshops

This truck has been in this field as long as I can remember and it is always a good shot to have as it defines where we are
This truck has been in this field as long as I can remember and it is always a good shot to have as it defines where we are

I’ll be running my annual Palouse workshops in 2024 from June 10-15 and June 17-22. Please visit the Rockhopper Workshop page for more details and to register. Each workshop can accommodate a maximum of five attendees. As previously mentioned, these will be full days of non-stop photography. You’ll have tons of images to work on and, hopefully, to create prints from. Speaking of prints, check out the print workshops we are offering. They’re the perfect place to learn how to master fine art printing and create prints from your workshop images.

Another must see and stop location. The Magic Bus begs for visitors to stop and ad their names to this abandoned bus. The pain must be an inch thick on it.
Another must see and stop location. The Magic Bus begs for visitors to stop and ad their names to this abandoned bus. The pain must be an inch thick on it.

What Comes Next

This shot almost didn't happen. We were at a great location to catch sunset but the clouds were low and as the sunset nothing happened. After a bit of a wait we decided to pack it in and head back to the hotel. I looked in my rearview mirror about 5 minutes later and saw this. We stopped the car, luckily in a good place and witnessed and photographed a sunset in the Palouse I have never seen before.
This shot almost didn’t happen. We were at a great location to catch sunset but the clouds were low and as the sunset nothing happened. After a bit of a wait we decided to pack it in and head back to the hotel. I looked in my rearview mirror about 5 minutes later and saw this. We stopped the car, luckily in a good place and witnessed and photographed a sunset in the Palouse I have never seen before.

Over the coming weeks, I’ll be narrowing these down and the images I made with my Sony a7riv, working towards a total of 60 images. I’ll then create two sets of 30 images each for this year’s two trips. I’ve already made one of the hospital images. You can check out the story about the hospital, A Unique Experience Exploring An Abandoned Hospital‘.

Turns out these two building were the fronts for a movie made in the Palouse a long time ago.
Turns out these two building were the fronts for a movie made in the Palouse a long time ago.

More Photos

I am sharing a lot of images with this article. We are photographers — I don’t know about you, but I always enjoy looking at images. Don’t forget, if you are a member of this site, you can click on any image to see it larger than the width of your screen. I will add captions to the images so you have an idea of what you are viewing. 

Please enjoy. I hope you consider joining me on one of my future Palouse workshops.


This location as you will see yields endless possibilities for interesting images.

Dave's Old Truck Rescue in Sprague, WA
Dave’s Old Truck Rescue in Sprague, WA
An abstract found on the side of a truck in the yard. There are all sorts of gems like this to be found.
An abstract found on the side of a truck in the yard. There are all sorts of gems like this to be found.
Rust and faded paint. This what makes the Palouse special.
Rust and faded paint. This what makes the Palouse special.
I made this trip about looking for abstracts. This is scratched and faded paint on the side of a truck.
I made this trip about looking for abstracts. This is scratched and faded paint on the side of a truck.
Worn out seat cushions have their own special abstract look too
Worn out seat cushions have their own special abstract look too
Worn out seat cushion
Worn out seat cushion
I look for abstracts every/. I found this on the side of a truck.
I look for abstracts every/. I found this on the side of a truck.


Truck gilles are a favorite. They don't make them like they used to.
Truck grilles are a favorite. They don’t make them like they used to.
It's Chevy
It’s Chevy
Love this yellow and the mold growing on it. A viking no less. What a cool name.
Love this yellow and the mold growing on it. A viking no less. What a cool name.
Another wonderful abstract showing the many coats of paint this truck has had.
Another wonderful abstract showing the many coats of paint this truck has had.
The VW short. There is place in town that restores old VWs
The VW short. There is place in town that restores old VWs
This picture and the one below are inverted images from a hood of a truck. I think they look like Japanese paintings
This picture and the one below are inverted images from a hood of a truck. I think they look like Japanese paintings
From a truck hood, inverted in processing and resembles a Japanese painting
From a truck hood, inverted in processing and resembles a Japanese painting
Fuel tank abstract
Fuel tank abstract
There's so much to like about this image. Texture, detail, peeling paint. Must be a story in there somewhere
There’s so much to like about this image. Texture, detail, peeling paint. Must be a story in there somewhere

After Dinner One Night

After a nice dinner we still had an hour or so of light left and a storm was moving out meaning we should have some great light and clouds.

There is one road not too far from the town of Pullman that has so many good locations. It's a great road to drive close to dusk.
There is one road not too far from the town of Pullman that has so many good locations. It’s a great road to drive close to dusk.
This is kind of iconic for the Palouse. Grain Silos, hillsides with crops and a sunset with amazing clouds.
This is kind of iconic for the Palouse. Grain Silos, hillsides with crops and a sunset with amazing clouds.
I have photographed this barn for years and each time is special.
I have photographed this barn for years and each time is special.
The road goes through a valley with numerous scenes like this.
The road goes through a valley with numerous scenes like this.


The Palouse region is filled with fields of grain, lentil, and rape seed.  Color and patterns abound.

In this shot and the next I tried to find a balance of the curves of the hills, the plow lines and sky.  I like this one.
In this shot and the next I tried to find a balance of the curves of the hills, the plow lines and sky.  I like this one.
Just by moving a hundred feet and changing the angle of view I came up with another cool image.
Just by moving a hundred feet and changing the angle of view I came up with another cool image.
Patterns and color
Patterns and color
An image from the top of Steptoe Butte
An image from the top of Steptoe Butte
You are surrounded just about everywhere you look with beautiful landscapes
You are surrounded just about everywhere you look with beautiful landscapes
Canola or rape seed was abundant this year. Just massive fields of yellow. So beautiful.
Canola or rape seed was abundant this year. Just massive fields of yellow. So beautiful.
This is a photo of one of the iconic locations. The twin white barns with Steptoe Butte in the background.
This is a photo of one of the iconic locations. The twin white barns with Steptoe Butte in the background.
Dirt roads that go deep into the heart of the Palouse. I'm friends with a farmer that has the largest farm in the region and these dirt road go deep into the fields and once you are in there you truly can experience the immensity of the area
Dirt roads that go deep into the heart of the Palouse. I’m friends with a farmer that has the largest farm in the region and these dirt road go deep into the fields and once you are in there you truly can experience the immensity of the area
This is now an abandoned farm but at one time it was very large dairy farm
This is now an abandoned farm but at one time it was very large dairy farm
Fields that reach over the horizon
Fields that reach over the horizon
Canola field with Step Toe Butte in the background.
Canola field with Step Toe Butte in the background.
This farm is owned by another friends I met a few years ago and he grow garlic and lots of it
This farm is owned by another friends I met a few years ago and he grow garlic and lots of it
Stunning clouds and fields of yellow
Stunning clouds and fields of yellow
Another photo of the Twin White Barns with a long lens from a road on one of the hills.
Another photo of the Twin White Barns with a long lens from a road on one of the hills.
The famous Weber House. Always a great place to make photos
The famous Weber House. Always a great place to make photos
There is a lot of history in this house. Each year it looks like it decays further.
There is a lot of history in this house. Each year it looks like it decays further.
When I first visited the Palouse this house was fresh;y abandoned and you could walk inside. Today nature is reclaiming it.
When I first visited the Palouse this house was fresh;y abandoned and you could walk inside. Today nature is reclaiming it.
An abandoned barn
An abandoned barn
OK, I had a bit of fun with this image of railroad grain cars. I added a texture and the birds.
OK, I had a bit of fun with this image of railroad grain cars. I added a texture and the birds.
Another iconic location is the wagon wheel barn. This barn is surrounded by a wagon wheel fence. It's fun to see what composition you can come up with. The barn today is a gift story and a gallery for local artists. Some very nice work can be found in the barn.
Another iconic location is the wagon wheel barn. This barn is surrounded by a wagon wheel fence. It’s fun to see what composition you can come up with. The barn today is a gift story and a gallery for local artists. Some very nice work can be found in the barn.
Another fixer upper that I have witnessed deteriorate over the years
Another fixer upper that I have witnessed deteriorate over the years
The infamous Lone Tree
The infamous Lone Tree
The flag barn
The flag barn
This is a granary that has been around for a long time
This is a granary that has been around for a long time
The granary
The granary has a lot of piece that are good to photograph
The granary has a lot of piece that are good to photograph
You can see all the changes that have taken place over the years
You can see all the changes that have taken place over the years
This grain silo has been collapsing for years.
This grain silo has been collapsing for years.
General Mills Grain Silo that has seen better times
General Mills Grain Silo that has seen better times
On a back road on the way back to Pullman
On a back road on the way back to Pullman
Once a thriving village, now it barely stands
Once a thriving village, now it barely stands
One day a family here closed the door for the last time and left. Truck, tractor, car and more is still where it was. The car showed a 1965 license plate,
One day a family here closed the door for the last time and left. Truck, tractor, car and more is still where it was. The car showed a 1965 license plate,
I thought I knew every place in the Palouse. This was anew find this year
I thought I knew every place in the Palouse. This was anew find this year
Such a beautiful barn and property that is slowly decaying. Must have been something in the day.
Such a beautiful barn and property that is slowly decaying. Must have been something in the day.
A Palouse classic. Windmill, House and tractor. The tractor hasn't moved in years. Why?
A Palouse classic. Windmill, House and tractor. The tractor hasn’t moved in years. Why?
Windmill and lone tree - classic
Windmill and lone tree – classic
Everyone photographs this lone tree. In other years it was very filled out. Looks like it may be suffering
Everyone photographs this lone tree. In other years it was very filled out. Looks like it may be suffering
The Famous Lone Tree
The Famous Lone Tree
This is Dave home and he is always setting up his old cars in front of his famous barn. Super nice guy and lots of stories he can tell.
This is Dave home and he is always setting up his old cars in front of his famous barn. Super nice guy and lots of stories he can tell.
more from Daves place. Each day he changes things up.
more from Daves place. Each day he changes things up.
This is a fun stop on the way to Palouse Falls. Great place in town to do lunch too.
This is a fun stop on the way to Palouse Falls. Great place in town to do lunch too.
This was anew find this year. Thanks Rad Drew for sharing the location.
This was anew find this year. Thanks Rad Drew for sharing the location.
Some abstracts from the Magic Bus location
Some abstracts from the Magic Bus location
Some abstracts from the Magic Bus location
Some abstracts from the Magic Bus location
Some abstracts from the Magic Bus location
Some abstracts from the Magic Bus location
This is gem.
This is Gem.
Found this at the General Mills Silo, kind of a dilemma
Found this at the General Mills Silo, kind of a dilemma
Rusty gears, one of my favorites, rust
Rusty gears, one of my favorites, rust
An old big Dodge
An old big Dodge
More old classic cars
More old classic cars
Looking at an abandoned house through and abandoned truck
Looking at an abandoned house through and abandoned truck
The Wagon Wheel barn has some cool compositions if you can find them
The Wagon Wheel barn has some cool compositions if you can find them
I really liked this one.
I really liked this one.
An ol Railroad bridge a long abandoned town
An old Railroad bridge a long abandoned town

I hope you have enjoyed these images.  Please consider joining me on one of my Palouse Workshops.

Kevin Raber
July 2023
Kevin Raber
Indianapolis, IN

Photography is my passion and has been for 50 plus years. My career in photography has allowed me to travel the world, meet some of the most interesting people on the planet and see things I could never have dreamed of. My goal is to share the passion of picture taking through photographs and teaching with as many people as I can, hoping it brings them as much joy and happiness as it has me. I do this through, this site, as well as Rockhopper Workshops, and other projects, as well as teaching as Artist In Residence at the Indianapolis Art Center.

Article Type: Columns, MISC

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