Epson Print Layout – Printing Made Simple – PXL Print Series

For years photographers have been battling confusing dialogue boxes, confusing wording, check-boxes and the dreaded ICC Profile. This was enough for many photographers to throw up their hands in utter disgust and give up making prints of their images. All this has changed now with Epson Print Layout, and best of all it is FREE.

Dan Steinhardt, Marketing Manager for Epson and I sit down and do a walk through tutorial of Epson Print Layout. Dano shows all the features and highlights just how easy it is to make prints using EPL.

The BW setting section of Epson Print Layout

In my opinion, there is no excuse not to get into printing with a software product like this that makes it a breeze to make prints. In the video, we explore some of the power features of EPL. The ability to make black and white prints as well as tone them is worth the price of admission.

I have suggested the combination of the P700 or P900 printer along with EPL to a number of people that are friends or have asked for help. They all enthusiastically have said it was a great move and they are making great prints all the time and loving it.

While EPL is a brilliant solution, you will find times, especially if you are in a production environment or if you have some specific special needs that a program like Imageprint with be needed. Make sure you check out our video on Imageprint if you haven’t seen it.

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Dano displays his self portrait printed on a P900 through Epson Print Layout on an iPad

Epson Print Layout Video

Epson Print Layout On An iPad

In this video, I show the IOS version of EPL on an iPad. The convenience of EPL on this device and my iPhone is incredible. Using some of the cool editing programs on the iPad like Lightroom, Photoshop, Snapseed and others, I can now while sitting in my easy chair edit and print images to my printer in the man cave right from my iPad. I can also go to the studio and print the same images to my SC P900 printer. At home, I have an Epson ET-8550 and a SC P700 printer. So, I can make at home 13 inch wide prints.

Parting Words


We have several videos on printing still to share with you. Please stay tuned for more coming your way. I am a staunch believer in Epson Print Layout. It’s free and can be downloaded HERE. Warning though. Once you see how easy it is to make prints, you will face an addiction problem. So far, I have seen no side effects other than the joy of holding my own prints in my hands. Have fun!

Kevin Raber
February 2022
Kevin Raber
Indianapolis, IN

Photography is my passion and has been for 50 plus years. My career in photography has allowed me to travel the world, meet some of the most interesting people on the planet and see things I could never have dreamed of. My goal is to share the passion of picture taking through photographs and teaching with as many people as I can, hoping it brings them as much joy and happiness as it has me. I do this through, this site, as well as Rockhopper Workshops, and other projects, as well as teaching as Artist In Residence at the Indianapolis Art Center.

Article Type: Tutorials, Videos, MISC

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