A Tripod In Your Wallet – Pocket Tripod Pro

PXL Cool Stuff

Pocket Tripod

The iPhone is the camera I always have with me and these days I find I use it much more than I ever expected. I know many of my professional friends do too. With the newest features of the iPhone 13 Pro Max, we will see even more use of the iPhone. With its multiple lens focal lengths and excellent night mode, it really is a shining example of what is possible, and hopefully what features will be available someday in the larger cameras we use.

When I am out doing landscape photography I always take a photo with my iPhone of what I am shooting. It’s kind of like using a Polaroid in the old days. I can see what it might look like. I can take the image into a few apps, work on it, and then share it on social media. But the real reason is that it tags the geolocation of the shot. This allows me to use the location feature in the “people and places” section and to see images I have taken on maps. The more I zoom in, the more the pictures divide out to specific locations. If I ever wanted to visit those locations again it is simply a matter of clicking on the image and getting directions. I can also lock these locations at pins in the maps app.

I Need A Tripod

The Pocket Tripod Pro comes in a very cleverly design package
The Pocket Tripod Pro comes in a very cleverly designed package

There are many times I wish I had a tripod for my iPhone. I may out for dinner and watching a beautiful sunset from a window of a restaurant. Or I might be walking the streets and see this great spot for a time-lapse. Or I’ll just want to have a photo of my wife and I together and no one is around to snap it.

One day recently, while browsing Instagram, I came across a cool-looking device called Pocket Tripod Pro by Geometrical.

I visited its website and I really liked what I saw. First off, this device is very clever and I tend to like clever things. It fits in a wallet. Yep, a tripod in a wallet. I kept thinking how many times it would have been great to have had this in my wallet. How many cool videos, time-lapses, or selfies I could have shot.

Card board gage that will help you choose the iPhone insert that fits your phone best, with or without the case.
Card board gage that will help you choose the iPhone insert that fits your phone best, with or without the case.

It very cleverly folds apart to make a stand you can then snap your iPhone into. It can fit any iPhone and case using adapters, which were included in my kit. There is a cardboard gauge and you insert your phone into it until you find the right adapter. Then you take the adapters from the kit and slide them into the tripod. Now your iPhone has a snug fit and your can angle the iPhone for either a vertical or horizontal image as you wish.

The Pocket Tripod when it is foled up
The Pocket Tripod when it is folded up
Now twist the two halfs
Now twist the two halfs
It will now look like this
It will now look like this
Flip up both sides
Flip up both sides
Next insert your phone and you are ready to go
Next insert your phone and you are ready to go

I have to admit I was a skeptic at first but I am a total believer now and find I am using this clever device on an almost daily basis. I am making a lot of time-lapse images just because I can, or even slow motion images. And when I take selfies I set it up and turn on the self timer and I get crazily good photos.

The other night I did a time-lapse of the chef at our local Hibachi, making our meal. It was really cool. The possibilities are endless!

All the inserts you will need are included so that this device can fit any iPhone with any case
All the inserts you will need are included so that this device can fit any iPhone with any case

Also, it’s pretty impressive to show off to your photographer friends.

The Pocket Tripod Pro sells for $40 USD and there are deals if you are going to buy more than one. The packaging is some of the best I have seen. This not some import from China that looked good online but turns out to be a piece of crap. This is the real deal and I have been having a blast using it. If you are an admirer of good engineering, I know you will appreciate what went into making this product.

You can even split the device apart to make even a more stable platform if needed and then snap it back together.
You can even split the device apart to make even a more stable platform if needed and then snap it back together.

You know there’s a saying that best camera is the one you have with you. Now the best tripod is the one you have in your wallet. Let me know what you think after you buy this tripod. I highly recommend it.

I have some more cool stuff I’ll share with you in the not-so-distant future. I’ll start a new tag and category for the site: PXL Cool Stuff.

Kevin Raber
October 2021

Kevin Raber
Indianapolis, IN

Photography is my passion and has been for 50 plus years. My career in photography has allowed me to travel the world, meet some of the most interesting people on the planet and see things I could never have dreamed of. My goal is to share the passion of picture taking through photographs and teaching with as many people as I can, hoping it brings them as much joy and happiness as it has me. I do this through photoPXL.com, this site, as well as Rockhopper Workshops, and other projects, as well as teaching as Artist In Residence at the Indianapolis Art Center.

Article Type: News, Reviews, Columns, MISC

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