A Sunday Photography Expedition With Rad Drew and Kevin Raber – Part 1

Sugar Creek near Shades State Park
iPhone 14 Pro Max, Camera +, 30 sec exposure, 720nm infrared filter, processed in Lightroom Mobile and SnapSeed
Sugar Creek near Shades State Park
iPhone 14 Pro Max, Camera +, 30 sec exposure, 720nm infrared filter, processed in Lightroom Mobile and SnapSeed

One of the things I enjoy most about photography has little to do with camera technology, photo editing, or making prints. Nope, it’s the social aspect of getting out with a good friend on a quest for scenes to photograph. 

That’s exactly what Kevin Raber and I did on a recent Sunday. We left around 9 am and didn’t return until 9:00 pm. We had only some vague destinations in mind and mostly just drove country roads in our home state of Indiana, occasionally stopping to take a photo. Our day was filled with a sense of adventure and exploration as we checked out little Hoosier towns and country creeks. We had a lot of laughs and did some major solving of the world’s problems, wrapping up the day with a steak dinner at the Beef House, a local institution. 

Montgomery County Courthouse, Crawfordsville, Indiana
iPhone 14 Pro Max, Camera +, 30 sec exposure, 720nm infrared filter, processed in Lightroom Mobile and SnapSeed
Montgomery County Courthouse, Crawfordsville, Indiana
iPhone 14 Pro Max, Camera +, 30 sec exposure, 720nm infrared filter, processed in Lightroom Mobile and SnapSeed

Despite spending the entire day together, and with only a few exceptions, Kevin and I were drawn to different scenes to photograph. Or, we photographed the same scene but in different ways. I love that! I was inspired by how Kevin sees and amazed at how, as we listened to our inner voice, we were attracted to different subjects. 

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Abandoned Farm Homestead near Waynetown, Indiana
iPhone 14 Pro Max, 24mm, 48mp camera, processed in Lightroom Mobile and SnapSeed
Abandoned Farm Homestead near Waynetown, Indiana
iPhone 14 Pro Max, 24mm, 48mp camera, processed in Lightroom Mobile and SnapSeed

We couldn’t have picked a better day for a variety of weather conditions. When we left, it was warm and about 55 degrees, with a blue sky and white clouds. Throughout the day, the weather changed in dramatic ways! Before the day was over, we had photographed in rain, high wind, bright sun with puffy white clouds, and overcast sky, and at one point late in the day, we had sleet! You’ve gotta love Indiana weather. 

While we brought all our gear, including big cameras, tripods, a drone, and iPhones, I only took my Fuji out once, and Kevin’s big cameras didn’t see the light of day at all! Instead, we photographed mostly with our iPhone 14 Pro Max cameras! 

Sugar Creek near Shades State Park
iPhone 14 Pro Max, 77mm telephoto camera, processed in Lightroom and SnapSeed.
Sugar Creek near Shades State Park
iPhone 14 Pro Max, 77mm telephoto camera, processed in Lightroom and SnapSeed.

Kevin went nuts with the fun iPhone app, Hipstamatic, and other iPhone cameras, while I made infrared photos with Camera + and Lightroom Mobile cameras. 

To say we had a blast would be an understatement. We don’t do this often enough! Between our travel schedules and workshops, it’s rare that we are here at the same time. Ironically, the next opportunity we’ll have to photograph together will be about 2000 miles from here in The Palouse in June, where we’re both leading workshops. 

Spillway at Bridgeton, Little Racoon Creek, Indiana
iPhone 14 Pro max, Live Mode, 77mm telephoto camera, processed in Lightroom Mobile and Snapseed.
Spillway at Bridgeton, Little Racoon Creek, Indiana
iPhone 14 Pro max, Live Mode, 77mm telephoto camera, processed in Lightroom Mobile and Snapseed.

Kevin’s mages and thoughts about the Sunday Photo Day will be shared in the next few days.

Here are some more of my photographs from our adventure. 

If you are a Silver or Gold Member, you can click on any image to see larger.  You can also switch to night mode.

Bridgeton Mill
iPhone 14 Pro Max, 24mm, 48mp camera, processed in Lightroom Mobile and SnapSeed.
Bridgeton Mill
iPhone 14 Pro Max, 24mm, 48mp camera, processed in Lightroom Mobile and SnapSeed.
Bridgeton Bridge over Little Racoon Creek
iPhone 14 Pro Max, 77mm telephoto camera, Processed in Lightroom Mobile and SnapSeed.
Bridgeton Bridge over Little Racoon Creek
iPhone 14 Pro Max, 77mm telephoto camera, Processed in Lightroom Mobile and SnapSeed.
Spillway at Bridgeton, Little Racoon Creek, Indiana
iPhone 14 Pro Max, Camera +, 30 sec exposure, 720nm infrared filter, processed in Lightroom Mobile and SnapSeed
Spillway at Bridgeton, Little Racoon Creek, Indiana
iPhone 14 Pro Max, Camera +, 30 sec exposure, 720nm infrared filter, processed in Lightroom Mobile and SnapSeed
McAllister Bridge near Waveland, Indiana
iPhone 14 Pro Max, 24mm, 48mp camera, processed in Lightroom Mobile and Dramatic Black and White.
McAllister Bridge near Waveland, Indiana
iPhone 14 Pro Max, 24mm, 48mp camera, processed in Lightroom Mobile and Dramatic Black and White.
Sugar Creek near Shades State Park iPhone 14 Pro Max, Native Camera, 77mm
Sugar Creek near Shades State Park iPhone 14 Pro Max, Native Camera, 77mm
The map came out near Rockville!
iPhone 14 Pro Max, 24mm, 48mp camera, processed in iOS editor and SnapSeed
The map came out near Rockville!
iPhone 14 Pro Max, 24mm, 48mp camera, processed in iOS editor and SnapSeed

Rad Drew
May 2023
Rad Drew

Photography has always been synonymous with fun and magic. As a kid, it was fun to compose, fun to capture, magic to develop and process, and fun to share. It was fun to seek out photos and to engage people, and magic to travel to new lands or find the unusual in familiar places. It was magic to convey an emotion or make a point and touch others through visual imagery that I created. As an adult, photography continues to be more fun and magical than I ever dreamed! Despite changes in technology that have occurred during my lifetime, the esthetic of photography remains much the same. The creative mind of the photographer is still the most important element in a great photo. The camera doesn’t create a photograph any more than a hammer designs a building; it’s merely a tool that allows us to create our vision. Today, my camera bag holds two mirrorless cameras, an infrared camera, a point-and-shoot, and an iPhone. Of these tools, I credit my use of iPhones since 2010 with providing more opportunities to practice the esthetics of photography, making me a better photographer regardless of the camera I'm using. And photography has never been more fun and magical!

Article Type: News, Columns, MISC

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