Printique Photo Albums

Use Your Isolation Time and Make A Photo Book

I hope everyone is safe and healthy at home right now. It’s certainly a crazy time and if you are anything like me you may already be going a little stir crazy.

In an attempt to help distract and keep creativity alive I wanted to share some ideas for things to do while in quarantine.

I want to start by talking about photo albums. I personally love photo albums but it always seems to be one of those things that gets put on the back burner. It does take time and effort to design photo albums but I assure you the end product is worth it in the end.

Photo albums are a great way to share a story. Perhaps it was a trip or vacation, a family event, the birth of a child, a yearbook, the possibility are endless.

In the past, I have created photo albums using Adorama’s online software. Since the last album I created, Adorama has rebranded its printing site to The website and the user interface is extremely clean and easy to use. I started printing photo albums using this site many years ago and I have been very pleased with the quality and affordability of the albums. It’s also nice to use the same company because it stores my previous albums on my account so I could easily go back to reorder or make changes to an album. This is also great if a family member or a friend wants to order the same book. You can even order it at different sizes so long as it’s the same dimensions. Also, imagine if there was a flood or a fire and my albums were destroyed I could simply go back to the site and reorder my albums. Hopefully, nothing like that ever happens but it’s nice to know that my albums are saved online.


Select the book type you want
Select the book type you want
The page layout. with layout types on the left and images at the bottom
The page layout. with layout types on the left and images at the bottom
In the layout section, there is a toolbar on the left and with the selection of each tab you are presented with different tools


Another reason I like photo albums is that it forces you to narrow down images to your very best or most meaningful. It’s nice to pick up a book and flip through the pages and not have to scroll through hundreds or even thousands of images. It gives you an opportunity to focus on the images that tell the story and that carry the most emotion.

One of my favorite photo albums is my wedding album that I designed on Adorama’s site using the beautiful photos that Jessica Strickland captured for us in Westfield, IN. Check out her work at 

Quick disclaimer: This article is not sponsored by Adorama. I am using it as a reference because it’s what I have personally used in the past. If you have other recommendations for printing photo albums feel free to leave them in the comments below.

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Michael Durr
March 2020
Michael Durr
Indianapolis, IN

After studying broadcast journalism at Illinois State University, I began my career in Central Illinois creating commercials and on-air promotions for local television affiliates. From 2008 to 2012, I worked for The Marketing Store where I created content for clients such as McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, and Southern Comfort. From there, I worked for Maddock Douglas, an innovation consulting firm, developing an internal photo/video offering. I left Maddock Douglas to be a creative director at FÁS Chicago, where I worked primarily for Case Construction. In 2017, I relocated to Indianapolis with my wife and two sons and I have started Michael Durr Photo/Video, LLC. Currently, I work in partnership with Kevin Raber and PhotoPXL, creating video content on all things photography. In addition I work on other freelance projects primarily around the midwest. Throughout my career, talented friends and great mentors have surrounded me. I have been fortunate to wake up every day never feeling like I was going to work. The combination of my professional experience, personality and drive to improve has given me a unique perspective from behind the lens. It is a combination of work and life that inspires me.

Article Type: Columns, Videos, MISC

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