Phase One IQ4 Camera System Part 2

Drew Altdoerffer and Lau Norgaard discuss the Phase One IQ4 Camera system with Kevin Raber
Drew Altdoerffer and Lau Norgaard discuss the Phase One IQ4 Camera system with Kevin Raber

We continue with our video series on the Phase One IQ4 Camera system and the NEW 151MP digital back. This video digs into what is different and what it means for the photographer. Lau Norgaard and Drew Altdoerffer my guests from Phase One go into great detail about what was done to make this back and camera system so different from any previous Phase One camera. Without a doubt, this camera sets the bar high as far as capabilities go for all camera systems.

Even if you have no interest in medium-format cameras, this is a must-see as Lau and Drew explain what a Backside Illuminated Sensor is. This term is talked about all the time. Yet, I find that only a few people truly understand what it is all about. In short, the bottom line is smaller and better pixels. They go on to explain the ability for the IQ4 to deliver RAW and JPEG, as well as how the histogram is created.

You may find it interesting to learn that the digital back has the Capture One engine in it, so it renders the JPEGs the same way as Capture One does on your computer. In addition, you can add your styles or present to the mix, giving you a preview and JPEG the way you want to see it. This data is carried with the RAW in the metadata, so when the file is opened in Capture One, the image is processed to that style. Of course, you can always make further adjustments or reset the file and start over.

The IQ4 back can send files wirelessly by USB-C connection or Ethernet. Anything transmitted by tethered connection can also be backed up on the two card slots. The RAWs are stored on an XQD card, and the JPEGs are kept on a standard SD card. The combination of the camera body, lenses, and digital back makes this camera system versatile and productive.

This is the third part in a series of eight videos. In the next videos, we will look at the interface of the IQ4 back and Capture One. Then, we will have two videos on the new features of Capture One 12 and how to use these features. Finally, Drew, Lau, and I sit down and have a candid chat about the future of photography.

The Video (34:32)

If you missed the other videos they can be found here  . . . 

The Phase One IQ4 151 MP Camera With Drew and Kevin

Phase One IQ4 Camera System Part 1

Kevin Raber
August 2019
Kevin Raber
Indianapolis, IN

Photography is my passion and has been for 50 plus years. My career in photography has allowed me to travel the world, meet some of the most interesting people on the planet and see things I could never have dreamed of. My goal is to share the passion of picture taking through photographs and teaching with as many people as I can, hoping it brings them as much joy and happiness as it has me. I do this through, this site, as well as Rockhopper Workshops, and other projects, as well as teaching as Artist In Residence at the Indianapolis Art Center.

Article Type: Columns, Videos

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