New Printing Workshop Dates Announced – It’s A Lot Of Fun

Jeff Schewe, a surprise guest instructor at our last workshop doing a print critique.

I am happy to announce the fall dates for the photoPXL and Rockhopper Workshops printing workshops.  We now have had four workshops, and they have been a tremendous success.

I will repeat this like a broken record.  You Don’t Have A Photograph Until You Can Hold It In Your Hands.  That is where these workshops come in.  For years I have worked with hundreds of photographers who are meticulous about their picture-taking and own the best gear that money can buy.  No one will argue that getting out and traveling to a special location and capturing once-in-a-lifetime photos is what it is all about, or is it?

Our newest addition is an automated print cutter

I have found that so many of these photographers who have taken incredible images have never made a print from them.  This astounds me.  A lot of reasons have been shared with me, and most just say it is too hard, and I don’t know where to start.  Well, we want to change that, and we have been.  Join us for one of our extended weekend printing workshops help and The Indianapolis Art Center Digital Studio.  I am an Artist In Residence there, and we have an incredible teaching location.

The class listened to John Pannozzo highlight the features of Imageprint software for printing.

I have two Canon and two Epson printers as well as a whole classroom teaching set up to make your experience learning to print the best it can be.  Our list of sponsors is long and can be seen on the workshop page.  We have a ton of paper and ink, so we can make prints the whole time.  I will soon do an article about the last few workshops so you can see all the cool things we do.  Everyone walks away with prints and a complete understanding of how they can go home and find a new addiction to add to their photography.


One on One teaching and coaching

I have just added the dates below.  To register and learn more about these workshops, please visit the Rockhopper Workshops website.  Complete details are these, as well as the registration link.  You’ll get a chance to visit my home twice and meet Debra and enjoy casual conversation about the passion we all share in photography.

July 14 – 17, 2023 (one spot available)
September 22 – 26, 2023
October 20 – 23, 2023
November 17 – 20, 2023
December 15 – 18, 2023

A Few Photos From Previous Workshops

Drew with his framed print as well as his before print. Did I mention we visit a frame shop so you can it takes to frame a photo
Lars and one of his final prints
Colleen and her final big print
Rob with his big print
At the frame shop with Rob’s framed print
The group at Roberts CAmera where we did a behind the scenes tour
Images ready to print

Kevin Raber
May 2023

Kevin Raber
Indianapolis, IN

Photography is my passion and has been for 50 plus years. My career in photography has allowed me to travel the world, meet some of the most interesting people on the planet and see things I could never have dreamed of. My goal is to share the passion of picture taking through photographs and teaching with as many people as I can, hoping it brings them as much joy and happiness as it has me. I do this through, this site, as well as Rockhopper Workshops, and other projects, as well as teaching as Artist In Residence at the Indianapolis Art Center.

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