Introduction To Imageprint – PXL Print Series

Kevin Raber and John Pannazzo walkthrough Imageprint

Making prints is one of my all-time passions. I have been making prints for over 50 years. My old analog darkroom was a place to retreat to and listen to music and make prints. I had a darkroom I was very proud of — I had a big system in it with the lights and tuner dial all blacked out with tape. Huge Marantz speakers sat in each corner and for hours on end, I would just make prints. A lot of them were for jobs and money. Yes, back in the day, we actually got paid to do photography because there was no internet, no computers, and FedEx was just coming into existence. If someone needed a photograph, they had to pay to get it. Oh, those were the days.

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Kevin Raber

Today is a lot different, but like life itself, one must adapt to and embrace change. I still love making prints. With two printers in my home and four at my studio, I am still enjoying the process of making prints and, in many ways, enjoying it even more. The tools we have available today allow us to take, make and share images like never before. It’s almost overwhelming.

For me, I want to make the process easy and I haven’t found a better way to make printing as easy as I have with IMAGEPRINT from Colorbyte software. Years ago, printing a good print was a bit tricky. You needed to calibrate your monitor and a good profile for the paper you were using. Then you needed to select an image and go through a complicated set of check boxes before you could even push the print button. 

John Pannazzo

Frustration was the word of the day, and for many photographers, they just gave up making prints. I am always surprised at workshops that I run when I ask if the attendees made prints and heard so often they didn’t.  Photographers spend an outrageous amount of money buying the latest and best camera and lenses. They take great images and then they make adjustments in their favorite RAW processor and somewhere along the line, that is it for many.  

The point of the PXL Print Series is to show just how easy it is to make prints these days. Plus, as we covered in numerous articles, they don’t always have to be big prints. They can be folios, tins, or boxes with a collection of prints. The pure joy of holding a print in your hands will trump the iPhone or iPad any day.

Introducing Imageprint

Imageprint Layout Screen

Around 20 years ago, I found a software product that many of my fellow photographers were talking about called IMAGEPRINT.  They talked about the power of this software to help them make prints and especially the profiles for papers.

I used to make my own profiles for papers I printed on. It took hours and then you just had to hope when you applied the profiles in the printing process, (usually out of Photoshop) that the final print would turn out the way you expected.

When I heard about IMAGEPRINT and the claim that their paper profiles were the best out there, I was skeptical. There was only one way to find out and it meant I had to test to see if what I heard was true. So, using my profiles, I made a few prints and then opened up the trial version of IMAGEPRINT and made the same set. Oh boy, IMAGEPRINT won hands down. The prints were that good.  

I immediately made IMAGEPRINT a part of my workflow and I have never turned back. Over the years, I have become friends with John Pannozzo, the owner of Colorbyte software, and have shared my success with IMAGEPRINT with various friends along the way.  

A few of these friends were very technical and when I told them my experience, they doubted my claims about profiles. So, they tested and did the same thing I did. Lo and behold, they came up with similar results. They too adjusted their workflow to include IMAGEPRINT. 

You can find out more about Imageprint by visiting the Colorbyte Software website.

The Video

In this video, John Pannozzo and I go through IMAGEPRINT and demonstrate just what makes it a great addition to your workflow. There’s a lot of power under the hood with IMAGEPRINT so this video is a bit long, but you will like seeing what is possible. There is even a cutter sold separately that can take your output, that may have many prints on one sheet of paper and cut it out for you. If you are into any kind of print production, this feature alone will amaze you.

Final Words

IMAGEPRINT is sold based on the printer width. People have said it is kind of expensive. I am always surprised at that statement, especially when they are buying lenses for a thousand plus dollars each.  

The bottom line is, IMAGEPRINT will make printing your images a lot easier and do so with amazing quality. It is certainly worth the price of admission. We have one more video in this series showing more features of IMAGEPRINT.

We will also have workshops on fine art printing at our studio and classroom as soon as it is safe to do so. You will get to experience IMAGEPRINT and all its features at these workshops. Hopefully, we will announce the dates of these workshops soon.

Feel free to share your thoughts and comments in our forum.

Kevin Raber
January 2022
Kevin Raber
Indianapolis, IN

Photography is my passion and has been for 50 plus years. My career in photography has allowed me to travel the world, meet some of the most interesting people on the planet and see things I could never have dreamed of. My goal is to share the passion of picture taking through photographs and teaching with as many people as I can, hoping it brings them as much joy and happiness as it has me. I do this through, this site, as well as Rockhopper Workshops, and other projects, as well as teaching as Artist In Residence at the Indianapolis Art Center.

Article Type: Tutorials, Columns, Videos, MISC

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