Circles – A Story Of Collaboration

In these difficult and challenging times, we need to find new ways to stay relevant both with our skills and our clients.  I am fortunate to have a wonderful videographer working for photoPXL.  You have all seen his work and this remarkable man is Michael Durr. His videos have graced this site for the last few years.  You can check the videos out on our YouTube Channel.  Please stop over to the channel and subscribe.

The Concept

Michael is the ultimate networker.  I met him and eventually started to work together because of this great skill of his.  I was looking for an additional videographer as Chris Sanderson was slowing down his travel schedule.  One day I was in Roberts Camera and I was talking to one of the owners Meredith and mentioned I was looking for a videographer.  She told me that the week before Michael had come into visit.  He was at that time living in Chicago and was soon moving to Indianapolis.  He was looking for doing some freelance work.  I took his contact information and gave him a call.  We soon met and we clicked (no intended) right off the bat.

We soon after started doing work together and he has had a chance to travel with me on some of my workshops. Last February we made a trip together to Antarctica for a workshop I was running.  You can see the videos in the article I published Antarctica Workshop Expedition.  Michael’s excellent skills are quite evident in the videos embedded with the article.  Please enjoy them.

A visit to Antarctica is intense and affects people greatly.  Michael is always thinking and as such thought of a cool way, he could do something special after his visit.  He wanted to make people more aware of Antarctica and the changes and challenges of what is happening environmentally there.  

The videos below will explain what Michael wanted to do and how he did it.  He kept this a secret from me as he sometimes does because he likes to surprise me.  As always he succeeded in his mission.  He managed to work with a custom ice cream maker Circles Ice Cream, to invent two ice cream flavors with an Antarctica twist, and then in turn worked with the Indianapolis Zoo’s Penguin Exhibit to raise awareness.

Congratulations Michael, job well done and as always you took this above and beyond.

I hope these videos and the whole idea encourages you to look for a way that you can take your photography and develop into a collaboration with an organization or business in your area.  Just another we can stay busy while in these pandemic times. 

The Videos



Thank you, Michael Durr.

Kevin Raber
January 2021
Kevin Raber
Indianapolis, IN

Photography is my passion and has been for 50 plus years. My career in photography has allowed me to travel the world, meet some of the most interesting people on the planet and see things I could never have dreamed of. My goal is to share the passion of picture taking through photographs and teaching with as many people as I can, hoping it brings them as much joy and happiness as it has me. I do this through, this site, as well as Rockhopper Workshops, and other projects, as well as teaching as Artist In Residence at the Indianapolis Art Center.

Article Type: Columns, Videos, MISC

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