Antarctica 2020 – We Have An Opening THIS HAS BEEN FILLED

We Have Filled This Position

Magellan Explorer

A great opportunity has just become available. Due to a cancellation, we have an opening on our February 15-22, 2020 Discover Antarctica Expedition.

Since 2005 Kevin Raber has been leading photo trips to Antarctica.  There is something about Antarctica that calls out to every photographer.  It’s an incredibly beautiful location defying description.  The immensity of this continent comes at you fast and you will be shooting images from the beginning to the end.  This year’s trip will be a special offering for photographers with instruction and photo guidance by Kevin Raber and Art Wolfe and Ted Forbes.  This will be a small group workshop with up to 30 photographers, along with Kevin, Ted, and Art.  We’ll have our own zodiacs for zodiac cruises and we will be primarily focused on capturing the beauty of this magnificent region of the planet. Kevin Raber who has traveled to Antarctica since 2005 will work closely with the Capitan and Expedition leader to make sure that we are at the best locations at the best light and time of day.


You’ll enjoy a fly Over the Drake experience.  Within a short time of landing in Antarctica, the ship will set sail for the first of many exciting locations.  We will be doing at least two shore excursions a day, mixed with ship cruises as well as zodiac cruises of some of the most picturesque locations you could ever imagine.  You’ll witness wildlife as you have never seen it before.  We’ll be photographing gigantic icebergs and witnessing sunsets like you wouldn’t think were possible. Antarctica is a remote, magical place that will greet you with its awe-inspiring beauty. See peaceful bays dotted with colossal icebergs; cruise along deep fjords and see massive glaciers; be amazed by sharp snowy peaks that jut out of the sea. A trip to Antarctica will truly change you. This year we will be cruising aboard the brand new Magellan Explorer. A ship designed and built especially for the Antarctica region.  See below for more details.  This a chance to experience Antarctica on a small ship with first-class accommodations.  I need not say that this a trip that even a non-photographing spouse would enjoy.  My wife has accompanied me three times and on one trip we got married there.


The berth is in a Male Shared Deluxe Veranda cabin. The price for this berth is $18,995.00.

This adventure if you can join us is a life-changing experience. I know that sounds crazy but anyone who has done this trip will tell you it is so.

Since time is of the essence, if you are interested in this workshop please contact me (Kevin Raber) right away at [email protected] or call at +1, 317-379-7482. (leave a message if you get Voice Mail as I’ll be in video production over the next few days)

Complete details about the Expedition can be found at And speaking of Rockhopperworkshops look for a NEW relaunch of the site in the next week.

Hope to see you in February.

back deck

Kevin Raber
December 2019
Kevin Raber
Indianapolis, IN

Photography is my passion and has been for 50 plus years. My career in photography has allowed me to travel the world, meet some of the most interesting people on the planet and see things I could never have dreamed of. My goal is to share the passion of picture taking through photographs and teaching with as many people as I can, hoping it brings them as much joy and happiness as it has me. I do this through, this site, as well as Rockhopper Workshops, and other projects, as well as teaching as Artist In Residence at the Indianapolis Art Center.

Article Type: News, Columns, MISC

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