Conversation With Paul Reiffer

Conversation With Paul Reiffer

We have been getting great responses from our Conversations With series.  I have been suffering from cabin fever and not being able to travel has turned me into a grumpy old guy.  As a result, I have taken to doing a lot...

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Meet The PhotoPXL Team Video

Meet The PhotoPXL Team Video

On July 30th, 2020 we held our first webinar on Zoom, Meet The PhotoPX team.  It was our chance to make the best of the current pandemic and using Zoom to spend some time with our readers.   Joining me are Chris...

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Meet The PhotoPXL Team Webinar

Meet The PhotoPXL Team Webinar

PhotoPXl is now a year old.  We have come a long way since the first day we decided to create  I am very grateful to all our readers and especially the financial contributors that help keep this site alive.  I am...

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Conversation With Peter Eastway – Stranded

Conversation With Peter Eastway – Stranded

Peter Eastway is a great friend and extraordinary photographer from Australia. We have done numerous workshops together in a number of different and exotic locations around the world. Peter is one of the most optimistic and positive photographers I know. No matter...

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