A Small Video Gem

Street photography with Michael Reichmann
Street photography with Michael Reichmann

On April 4th, 2020 I published an article Behind The Photograph – Boy In The Doorway.  I received a lot of good feedback from this article and it is always appreciated.  After the article was published Chris Sanderson started to dig through his archives to see if he could find the footage from that walk that I described in the article.  Low and behold he found the footage from a period of time when he was still shooting DV format. This format is equivalent to around 720p.  A far cry from the 4K and 8K footage that we are recording today. This is the first time this video has been shared as he just edited it the other day.  We hope you enjoy it.

Chris Has been kind enough to share the video so you could see some of the footage from the walk we took.  You should read the first article first in case you haven’t done so as it will all make more sense.  You can see Michael Reichmann who was clearly the focus of Chris’s coverage.  You will also see another friend of ours Bill Caulfeild-Browne who was shooting with us on that day.   Towards the end of the video, you’ll see the little boy in the doorway that was the focus of my article.

In addition, I  received an email from David Gee, of Australia.  He’s been with me on several workshops and he was with us on this Antarctica workshop.  He was one of the gentlemen that was muggedAlso that I talk about in the article.  Below is an excerpt from the email he sent me.

Also, I should point out and stand corrected.  This story and video were from our very first Antarctica trip in 2005.  We have some fun stuff from our other trips that we may share in the future.

Hi Kevin,
Your latest post on PhotoPXL brought back some memories. I was, of course, one of the “muggees”. Like you, we didn’t appreciate the dangers of walking in BA with cameras. The other guy, aged about 70 at the time, was actually a tour guide in wild places like Yemen but in retrospect, wasn’t “street-wise”. We were jumped by 5 young guys. My colleague made the mistake of swinging his camera at the three who went for him. Their response was to grab the camera and kick him in the hip. I chose to fall face down with my new 5D under me. I figured they needed to get something from me fast so I gave them my 20yr old watch.

I then hailed a cab (all this had happened on a 4 lane road just 100 meters from about 200 American tourists) and literally threw the other guy into the back seat. When we got back to the hotel I examined him and felt his leg was almost certainly broken, which was indeed the case when he was x-rayed. I spent the morning trying to get an orthopedic surgeon to see him but no one would care for him without evidence of travel insurance (they had stolen his papers). I phoned his wife in Sydney at 3 AM her time so she could fax her travel insurance details. She was British and her response was classic: she said when I gave her the news “Oh the poor chap!”

Fortunately, he was operated on that afternoon and the surgeon was good enough to call me just before we left for Ushuaia. Post trip, when everyone was sending around their best pics, he sent a copy of the X-ray of his pinned hip!!!

Apart from the mugging, that 2005 trip to Antarctica was the best trip I ever did. I was a very rookie photographer and I learnt more in 3 weeks from you guys than any other time since.

My other weird memory was meeting you for the first time: you were standing on the luggage conveyor belt at Ushuaia with your mobile your ear, talking to your son and yelling out: “Go Colts”



The Video

Hope you enjoyed this little trip down memory lane.  Thank you Chris for digging this up and editing it for this article.

Kevin Raber
April 2021
Kevin Raber
Indianapolis, IN

Photography is my passion and has been for 50 plus years. My career in photography has allowed me to travel the world, meet some of the most interesting people on the planet and see things I could never have dreamed of. My goal is to share the passion of picture taking through photographs and teaching with as many people as I can, hoping it brings them as much joy and happiness as it has me. I do this through photoPXL.com, this site, as well as Rockhopper Workshops, and other projects, as well as teaching as Artist In Residence at the Indianapolis Art Center.

Article Type: News, Videos, MISC

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