Workshops Are Back – 2021

Being Optimistic

Lemaire Channel Antarctica Pano
Lemaire Channel Antarctica Pano

The year 2020 started off well. We had a great workshop in Antarctica with some incredible photography. All of our other workshops were sold out, and I was looking forward to a good year of fine photography, meeting new and old friends in workshops, and making a little money. Well, that got squashed pretty quickly upon our return from Antarctica.

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, all further workshops for the year were canceled. Of course, we were not the only ones affected by this pandemic. Everyone doing workshops, as well as photographers, all of a sudden found they were without work. By canceling workshops, there was a chain-reaction effect. Airlines, hotels, car rentals, returns, guides, and many others felt the effect. Borders were closed and essentially everyone was in lockdown mode. Even my gallery and studio were deemed nonessential and went into lockdown. (To me they were very essential).

South Georgia Island, let's do it in 2021
South Georgia Island, let’s do it in 2021

Anyone who knows me knows that I am one of the most optimistic people. Going into the pandemic, I tried to stay that way, but soon that went to hell in a handbasket. My father-in-law died of COVID-19, my wife became seriously ill with the disease, and our leadership in this country and the way things were handled seriously eroded my pride and optimism.

Needless to say, my optimism faded into pessimism. There was no good news, no end in sight, and not very positive news anywhere. Our country was beginning to open back up, and it seems that many believe we are doing this before it is safe to do so. It’s hard to find a news source you can trust, and it seems our president has never felt any empathy for the 100,000-plus people who’ve died of the virus. No matter where I looked and what I thought, I was sinking deeper into a deep funk. This had to stop.

The Return of Optimism

Enough is enough. I have done too much moping. I feel like I am working at half speed. This just wouldn’t do. Time for a change. After hearing a bit of good news (if you could believe it) about a vaccine by early next year, I decided to take a chance and began planning for the next couple of years. I don’t want to wait until there is a cure, vaccine or whatever. If I wait and then announce plans for workshops and other projects, I will already be behind the 8 ball. It was time I got in front of things.

I started to make lists of things that I needed to do. I looked at workshops, articles, reviews, and ideas for videos. In addition, I started to look at upgrading the PXL site to phase two enhancements (more on this in the new future).

2021-22 Workshops

I am happy to announce the following dates and instructors for workshops in 2021. The details for some of these are being finalized and contracts signed. With all of these workshops, we will be offering a 100% deposit refund if we need to cancel these workshops.

Please put these dates on your calendar if you are interested in being part of the workshop. There are a few of these that already have signups or transfers from the canceled workshops. Basically I am hoping for a vaccine and that we will be back some sort of normality by April. If you book any workshop and feel that you’re still not confident in traveling, then you may cancel and are entitled to a return of your deposit.

I hope you join me in being optimistic and take the opportunity to travel with me next year.

Faroe Islands – April 21-28, 2021
Instructors Kevin Raber and Steve Gosling

Light and weather can change in minutes yielding images like these
Light and weather can change in minutes yielding images like these

Steve and I will take you for an amazing tour of the Faroe Islands. We will pick you up from the airport and drop you back off there after the workshop. Everything in between (except alcohol) is covered. The Faroe Islands is an amazing place with surprises at every turn and through every tunnel. Not only will you come away with some amazing images, but you’ll have fun doing it.

So many Faroe Island images lend themselves to B&W
So many Faroe Island images lend themselves to B&W

The Palouse – June 14-19, 2021
Instructor and Tour Guide Kevin Raber

One of my workshop groups in Palouse
One of my workshop groups in Palouse

The Palouse is one of my favorite places to photograph. There are no pullouts and iconic locations. The Palouse is iconic in and of itself. The beautiful rolling hills, small towns, abandoned cars and trucks, and incredible el light assures you of special photos. This is a four-person tour. It’s just us and a big four-wheel-drive vehicle. We will cover hundreds of miles a day. This is an all-inclusive workshop.

Svalbard – July 18-28, 2021
Instructors Kevin Raber and Steve Gosling

Arctic Fox in Svalbard
Arctic Fox in Svalbard

Polar Bears is synonymous with Svalbard, and we hope to see our share of them on this trip. We should also be also to see Arctic fox, walrus, whales, and a ton of different birds. Add to that some incredible sites and landscapes, and you’ll be coming home with images you couldn’t imagine. Once again, we will be sailing aboard the M/S Quest. I have used this ship on numerous occasions, and it is comfortable, fast, and capable. We will be doing this trip with approximately 30 attendees.

Ice cap melting
Icecap melting

Greenland – 2 Trips – August 11-18, 2021, and August 18-25, 2021
Instructor Kevin Raber

Beautiful Icebergs
Beautiful Icebergs

See Greenland’s Scoresby Sound on a small ship with 12 passengers. This very special trip will amaze you. You’ll see icebergs the size of skyscrapers. We’ll experience the gorgeous landscape and some unusual wildlife. We will sail on M/S Balto. Using a ship like this allows us to go where bigger ships can’t. I have been to Greenland numerous times, and each trip is truly incredible.

Devils Castle, Greenland
Devils Castle, Greenland

South Georgia – Falklands – Antarctica – November 9-29, 2021
Instructors Steve Gosling and Kevin Raber

South Georgia sunrise
South Georgia sunrise

This is by far a trip of a lifetime and an adventure you will never forget. We will sail aboard the M/S Ocean Nova, one of the best expedition ships in Antarctica. I have done this trip numerous times, and each time, my breath is taken away by what we will experience. You’ll visit the Falklands filled with amazing wildlife. From the Falklands, we will sail to South Georgia island. It’s a land that time has forgotten. We will see king penguins by the thousands. Beaches are filled with seals and snow-covered mountains in the background. Quite simply, this is a photographer’s paradise.

After South Georgia, we will head to Antarctica and visit the peninsula there. We will land at a number of locations, and once again, you’ll be blown away with what you see and experience. While we are cruising, we will travel by giant icebergs and will most likely see numerous species of whales. Steve and I will also do talks as well as work with you one on one to achieve your best images.

Stay tuned for more details. We will be booking half the ship with around 30 attendees.


The Ocean Nova
The Ocean Nova

September 2021 and January 2022
Instructors Daniel Bergmann and Kevin Raber

The iceberg beach
The iceberg beach

Iceland is a photographer’s paradise, no ifs and or buts about it. I have been traveling to Iceland sometimes several times a year since 2004. All of these trips have been guided by Daniel Bergmann, who, in my opinion, is the top guide in Iceland. Those who have traveled with me there can attest that with Daniel, you’ll see all the beauty and uniqueness that Iceland has to offer. This will be an all-inclusive trip (except airfare) and will be nonstop photography. I’ll have more details in the near future. If you are interested, send me an email. These trips will be very special.

One of our workshop groups

Fine Art Printing – Various Dates – Indianapolis

Fine Art Prints at the Gallery and Studio
Fine Art Prints at the Gallery and Studio

In 2021, we also do a number of fine art printing workshops in my Indianapolis gallery. The studio has two Canon and two Epson printers. We will cover all aspects of printing and focus on the use of Colorbyte’s ImagePrint and Cut-It-Out products. I have long said that a photograph isn’t a photograph until you can hold it in your hand. If you have wanted to make prints of your images, this is the course for you. We’ll explore all aspects of the workflow from calibrating your monitors to what pair you should print with. We’ll cover print presentation and a ton more.

The Studio / Gallery at the Stutz
The Studio / Gallery at the Stutz

One-On-One Workshops

Do you shy away from workshops because they are with a lot of other photographers? Do you have someplace you’d like to go visit and want to become more intimate with it and your photography? I’ll be offering one-on-one or customized private group workshops in 2021 and 2022. Name the place and what you want to achieve, and I’ll make sure all the details are taken care of. Plus, I’ll be there to help you master the shot. There will be options to add another instructor also so you get the most bang for your buck. Inquire directly to Kevin Raber for more details.

Online Portfolio Reviews

We will soon be announcing portfolio reviews for a limited number of clients. These reviews will be done using Zoom and screen recordings and will involve image critique, customized image corrections as well as in-depth conversations about your images, styles, and goals moving forward. More about this soon, but let me know if it is something you may be interested in.

So, let’s get off our couches, dust off the cameras and hard drives, and get ready to get out there again making great images. In the coming weeks, I’ll be launching detailed webpages for everything mentioned above as well as maybe a few other surprises.

If you have any questions about any of the above, feel free to post a question in the forum or contact ME DIRECTLY.

Stay safe, and hopefully, I’ll see you next year.

Kevin Raber
June 2020
Kevin Raber
Indianapolis, IN

Photography is my passion and has been for 50 plus years. My career in photography has allowed me to travel the world, meet some of the most interesting people on the planet and see things I could never have dreamed of. My goal is to share the passion of picture taking through photographs and teaching with as many people as I can, hoping it brings them as much joy and happiness as it has me. I do this through, this site, as well as Rockhopper Workshops, and other projects, as well as teaching as Artist In Residence at the Indianapolis Art Center.

Article Type: News, Columns, MISC

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