I’m So Excited — Headed To The Faroe Islands

The Faroe Islands One Of My Happy Places
Lots Of Pictures

This is the signature well know image everyone must take while in the Faroe Islands
This is the signature well know image everyone must take while in the Faroe Islands

The Faroe Islands, you say? Where is that? Until a few years ago, the Faroe Islands were a well-kept secret. The Faroe Islands are off the coast of Denmark and are a Danish territory. They are a relatively small area of landmass when compared to its well-known cousin Iceland. See the map below.

The famous Curvy Road, it's also a must see location. I plan to get some elevation on it this year and shoot with the drone.
The famous Curvy Road, it’s also a must-see location. I plan to get some elevation on it this year and shoot with the drone.

With just over 50,000 inhabitants, it’s not very populated. While a popular destination for tourists, the existing hotels and infrastructure of the island keep the number of visitors at a manageable level. There are no lines of tourists in cars and travel coaches ferrying tourists around. It’s small and you hardly ever run into anyone on your trips.

I hope the Faroe Islands stay that way. You can see in my maps below that there aren’t many roads. The road pretty much sticks to the coast as each island that is part of the Faroes is quite mountainous. There are a lot of quaint and quiet villages that you can visit and explore as well as many pullouts by the road that allow for some amazing sights.

Located out in the North Atlantic it is supscetable to wide and ever changing
Located out in the North Atlantic it is suspectible to wide and ever changing weather conditions.
A map of the Faroe Islands close up
A map of the Faroe Islands close up
The tracks fom GPS from my last visit
The tracks from GPS from my last visit. The Points shown are locations for photography
This is from iPhotos which maps all the spots I visited and photographed with my iPhone. This is a great way to identfy locations on your next visit and use to set the navigation back to the spot.
This is from iPhoto which maps all the spots I visited and photographed with my iPhone. This is a great way to identify locations on your next visit and is used to set the navigation back to the spot.
You can click on a set of images to open them up and see the location
You can click on a set of images to open them up and see the location
You can even view a location in 3d in satilite mode
You can even view a location in 3d in satilite mode

Each village also has a number of trails to take you a bit higher to see the views from a higher perspective. I have fallen in love with this place. And, I can’t think of a better place to get back out there on our first major workshop in several years since the pandemic.

Each Village has something special to offer.
Each Village has something special to offer.
A different view from the one above
A different view from the one above

I’ll be leading two workshops back-to-back with my good friend and colleague Steve Gosling. Steve and I have traveled the world together and done many joint workshops. Steve’s an exceptional photographer and teacher and he has a very cool sense of humor. The two of us will not only banter the whole trip but share our knowledge with those on both workshops.

Our first workshop is a private workshop. It’s bit smaller than our other workshop. We will be doing a lot of explorations together. The cost of the workshop is all-inclusive, except for alcohol and personal expenses. Steve and I will pick everyone up at the airport and transport everyone to the hotel. At the hotel, everyone gets a fully appointed room to themselves. This means a good night of sleep every night.

Charming photographs of many different locations. While the big landscapes are really nice, images like these tell a story.
Charming photographs of many different locations. While the big landscapes are really nice, images like these tell a story.

After an early breakfast, we will leave the hotel and not return again until dinner. Sunrises are hard to catch in the Faroe Islands as there is usually cloud cover. If there is a chance, we will go for it. The weather is like many North Atlantic areas. You can have everything in the space of an hour. You could have a peek of sun that will soon be covered by clouds, drizzle, rain, and winds. Winds seem to be a constant. No matter what, we will handle what is thrown at us and have a ton of opportunities for great images.

If the wind permits, I’ll fly my drone for a couple of shots. I will show those who are interested how to use a drone and what you can expect from it photography-wise. Steve and I will also help everyone with long-exposure techniques, intentional camera movement, and how to see an image as well as the picture in a picture.

Some locations we visit require patients for the right clouds and mood to happen.
Some locations we visit require patients for the right clouds and mood to happen.

After dinner, we are available to spend one-on-one time with anyone who is interested in image culling, editing, and critiques on composition.

On the last trip my wife Debra acompanied me. She had a blast taking photos but her images concentrated on the heavy sheep population.
On the last trip my wife Debra acompanied me. She had a blast taking photos but her images concentrated on the heavy sheep population.
Steve Gosling gets very serious when he is photographing.
Steve Gosling gets very serious when he is photographing.

There is no easy way to get to the Faroe Islands. For me, I’ll fly from Indianapolis to JFK, New York. I’ll then travel from New York to Amsterdam and then to Copenhagen. I’ll spend two nights in Copenhagen catching up with some old friends and doing photography around the city. I have spent quite a bit of time in Copenhagen over the last 20 years. Phase One, a company I worked for, was there and it is one of my favorite cities in the world.

While in Copenhagen, I’ll do a lot of images with my iPhone for a project as well as test a new camera app that I will review on my return. I may post some images along the way so you can follow my Instagram and Facebook accounts. (Links are above.)

For the rest of the trip, I’ll be photographing with a Sony A7R IV and Sony A1 with 12-24mm, 16-35mm, 24-70mm and 100-400mm lenses. Next week, I’ll do an article about the gear I’m taking.

After the trip is over, I’ll follow it up with a new set of images from this trip. I am so excited to get back out to my happy place again. My wife is looking forward to a break. My cats and dog will miss me. But on my return, it will be like I went away to rehab. I should be a happy new man with a load of new images in my back pocket.

Please take a look at what workshops we still have open for this year and keep your eyes out for future workshops for 2022. Dust off your camera and get back out. You’ll be a better person, not to mention a better photographer, for doing so.

Don’t forget if you are a Silver or Gold Member you can click on an image and see it larger.  You may want to become a member just to see all the photos in this article.

During, this workshop I will be publishing a 5 article series on Composition by Peter Eastway. We all can use a brushup on the basics of composition.  I believe you will like the series. Peter and I will be working closer together on some upcoming projects and hope to share news on that in a few weeks.  I’ll be back home after the 21st of May.  I may even sneak in a short update on the two workshops we are doing.  We do plan to return to the Faroe Islands in May 2023 so if you like what you see you can join us then.

Please enjoy the pictures here from our last visit to the Faroe Islands.

We will encounter many towns ike this that offer all sorts of photo possibilities
We will encounter many towns like this that offer all sorts of photo possibilities
Different view
Different view
Colorful foreground with lots of texture and color
Colorful foreground with lots of texture and color
As photographers we need to always be looking for different framing possibilities
As photographers we need to always be looking for different framing possibilities
We found these outside a small gift shop
We found these outside a small gift shop
When we need some warmth and a snack there is nothing like a Faroe Island waffle and coffee
When we need some warmth and a snack there is nothing like a Faroe Island waffle and coffee
A 100-400mm lens allows you to choose perspective and interesting angles of roof tops
A 100-400mm lens allows you to choose perspective and interesting angles of roof tops
There a number of small churches in along the way to photograph
There a number of small churches in along the way to photograph
For those that have been with me before you know how much I love rust. There is plenty of rust in the Faroes to find and make interesting images.
For those that have been with me before you know how much I love rust. There is plenty of rust in the Faroes to find and make interesting images.
Wet rust, ahh you gotta love it
Wet rust, ahh you gotta love it
And, then there is rust that just has its own look. Works too.
And, then there is rust that just has its own look. Works too.
I found this interesting, don't you?
I found this interesting, don’t you?
Lots of wharfs and jetties
Lots of wharfs and jetties
Faroe Islands is all about these giant cliffs and ocean waves
Faroe Islands is all about these giant cliffs and ocean waves
Oh did I mention there are a ton of beautiful waterfalls?
Oh did I mention there are a ton of beautiful waterfalls?
Does it get any better?
Does it get any better?

We will be doing this workshop again in May 2023.  Details will be announced shortly after we are back from this workshop.

Patterns and abstracts are something I love and w e will show those on the workshop how to find these.
Patterns and abstracts are something I love and we will show those on the workshop how to find these.
There are so many vistas like this, you will have a hard time picking the ones you like the most.
There are so many vistas like this, you will have a hard time picking the ones you like the most.
I was wishing for better lights and clouds for this photo. Maybe I'll get it this trip.
I was wishing for better lights and clouds for this photo. Maybe I’ll get it this trip.
This was such a cool place to visit. All sorts of photo possibilities
This was such a cool place to visit. Many photo possibilities.
The leading lines work to carry the eye in this photo
The leading lines work to carry the eye in this photo
Once again you need to be looking for elements of composition
Once again you need to be looking for elements of composition
How lucky was I to capture this. This was a two minute expsoure and the sun just popped out and lit the village. Someone from above was watching out for me.
How lucky was I to capture this? This was a two-minute exposure and the sun just popped out and lit the village. Someone from above was watching out for me.
The lines work with this shot. The wharf fills in the dead space and carries your ey to hills. Thos sea stacks we will be traveling to by boat on this upcoming trip. I can't wait to see what we come up with.
The lines work with this shot. The wharf fills in the dead space and carries your ey to hills. Thos sea stacks we will be traveling to by boat on this upcoming trip. I can’t wait to see what we come up with.
I like the church doo leading to the steps to the beach where I am.
I like the church doo leading to the steps to the beach where I am.
One can only imagine what it would be like to have a home looking out onto this scene.
One can only imagine what it would be like to have a home looking out onto this scene.
whale slaughter
This one is rather disturbing. Apparently Faroe Islands is one of the only places left that slaughter whales. The whole community does it, driving the whales onto to the beach where they are killed. The blood was still in the water days after the slaughter happened. There is a lot going behind the scenes to end this practice. I have seen videos of it and it very disturbing.
The skies never disappoint
The skies never disappoint
I also shoot many places with my iPhone. This I used the Hipstamatic app witha lens and film combo that does a double expsoure image. This is a years long project called Being Square - Seeing Double.
I also shoot many places with my iPhone. This I used the Hipstamatic app with a lens and film combo that does a double exposure image. This is part of a years long project called Being Square – Seeing Double.
I can't start a morning without coffee. So I amke my own in room coffee using a pour over coffee and creamers from Copper Mountain
I can’t start a morning without coffee. So I make my own in room coffee using a pour over coffee and creamers from Copper Cow.

I swear by my Copper Cow coffee. Check it out for your next trip.

We will be stopping at many gas stations which seem to be a hub for everything. While drinking my coffee I looked out and thought these fule pumps made a good shot.
We will be stopping at many gas stations which seem to be a hub for everything. While drinking my coffee I looked out and thought these fule pumps made a good shot.

Steve and his wife Julie at one of the many waterfalls.  IT’s a great trip to take your wife on even if she is not a photographer.  My wife loves to take pictures.  I will share some at the bottom of this article.

The Whaling Station

Please indulge me with the next series of images.  They are from a whaling station musuem of sorts.  I won’t caption each of these photos.  They fill one of my needs and addictions for rust and decay.  Those that know me know I love rust and the details and colors that things that are rusty and decaying  show us.  Lot’s of fun to shoot this series.

Debra’s Vision

Debra my wife had her own fun too.  She is a very talented photographer and artist and was always looking for different this.  She would wander off and find photos that made her happy.  In the Faroe Islands sheep was one of her favorites. I consider myself very fortunate to have a wife that gets me, like photography and finds her own joy in the photos she takes.  I hope you like her images below.

Thank You

I hope you have enjoyed these images.  I will have another set of new Faroe Islands photos on my return.

Kevin Raber
May 2022
Kevin Raber
Indianapolis, IN

Photography is my passion and has been for 50 plus years. My career in photography has allowed me to travel the world, meet some of the most interesting people on the planet and see things I could never have dreamed of. My goal is to share the passion of picture taking through photographs and teaching with as many people as I can, hoping it brings them as much joy and happiness as it has me. I do this through photoPXL.com, this site, as well as Rockhopper Workshops, and other projects, as well as teaching as Artist In Residence at the Indianapolis Art Center.

Article Type: Columns, MISC

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