Creating Artistic Photographs Part 5 – Eastern Sierra Inspirations

The chief enemy of creativity is good sense.
Pablo Picasso

How do you approach a place where light is always changing, always different?  Go back!  Return to find another inspiring sight, another source of inspiration. Return to create new images inspired by a light I have not seen before.  

The Eastern Sierra is such a place, its lure is the ever-changing light. Vermillion reds and bright yellows on Mount Whiney at sunrise. Teal skies with yellow clouds seen through Mobius Arch in the Alabama Hills.   A Pleiades of colors in the mountains above Bishop along South Creek, painting the hills golden in the fall before turning crimson and later deep red as the Aspens make their last stand with colors that will soon disappear, leaving them white and bare, waiting for the soft greens of spring and later the viridian tones of summer. Pastel mauves and pinks along North Creek at dusk, the last song of color before night falls and darkness envelopes the landscape.

Light creating a myriad of colors is the Eastern Sierra’s gift to artists and photographers.  As the quote at the start of this essay suggests it inspires me to let go of worldly concerns for convention and accepted aesthetics and engage in the creation of a visual world of my own invention. Knowing that I will return makes this artistic journey one that never ends, each particular visit a stage rather than a destination, a never-ending experience of discovery, a journey into seeing anew again and again.


Mount Whitney and the Eastern Sierra Nevada in reds and yellows, Alabama Hills.
Mount Whitney and the Eastern Sierra Nevada in reds and yellows, Alabama Hills.


Mobius Arch with a teal sky, Alabama Hills.
Mobius Arch with a teal sky, Alabama Hills.


North Creek Aspens in luminescent warm pastel tones, South Creek.
North Creek Aspens in luminescent warm pastel tones, South Creek.


Mauves, pinks and variegated greens, North Creek.
Mauves, pinks and variegated greens, North Creek.

About Alain Briot

I create fine art photographs, teach workshops with Natalie and offer Mastery Tutorials on composition, image conversion, optimization, printing, business and marketing.  I am the author of Mastering Landscape PhotographyMastering Photographic Composition, Creativity and Personal Style, Marketing Fine Art Photography and How Photographs are Sold.  All 4 books are available in eBook format on our website at this LINK.

You can find more information about our workshops, photographs, writings and tutorials as well as subscribe to our Free Monthly Newsletter on our website.   You will receive 40 free eBooks when you subscribe to my newsletter.

Alain Briot
December 2019

Alain Briot
Glendale, Arizona

Author of Mastering Landscape Photography,Mastering Composition, Creativity and Personal Style, Marketing Fine Art Photography, and How Photographs are Sold. [email protected]

Article Type: Columns

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