Monterey 12.6 Update May Break Printing Colour Management & Communication

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  • Simon Simpson
    Simon Simpson
    Posts: 61
    Monterey 12.6 Update May Break Printing Colour Management & Communication
    on: July 24, 2023 at 5:25 am

    Hi all, thanks for the swift replies. I have reset the Mac Printing system and reinstalled the printer, making sure it’s the latest Canon Driver and not AirPrint, but to no avail. One positive note however is that I have been able to get good results from the printer and the custom profiles when printing via Capture One. Why Capture one should be able to get good results is a mystery, but I am really glad it does as it gives me a way forward.

    One more interesting thing is that I can replicate the effect I get by using the ColorSync utility.

    Loading my image into ColorSync and selecting Assign Profile with the Fotospeed custom icc profile everything looks fine, then I assign the generic Canon profile for Pro Lustre (which is the Canon base media type) and then the image gets desaturated exactly as I am seeing when printed from LR/PShop and Canon’s PPL software. The order of profile assignment is important, the other way around gives completely different results.


    Are the prints that are not satisfactory very slightly yellow/green compared to the satisfactory ones ?

    David Eagle
    David Eagle
    Posts: 3
    Re: Monterey 12.6 Update May Break Printing Colour Management & Communication
    Reply #1 on: July 24, 2023 at 5:52 am

    Its an overall desaturation effect. With the images I am working on at the moment, its most pronounced with blues, but in other images its also oranges/browns and greens…..

    Simon Simpson
    Simon Simpson
    Posts: 61
    Re: Monterey 12.6 Update May Break Printing Colour Management & Communication
    Reply #2 on: July 25, 2023 at 1:11 pm

    David, I’m still thinking about your issue.

    It’s possible that the printer may be printing in error without colour management, at least that’s what happened to me.

    The way to diagnose this is to print a standard test print using an image such as this one:

    You need to look at the skin tones and greyscale and see if they look slightly yellow/green.  This indicates that the printer is not printing with colour management.

    My fix, after updating Monterey, was to install the latest printer driver (an incremental update).  I read elsewhere that someone had found this very same problem with a PRO-1000 and had just re-installed the printer driver.  It’s not the fact that you have a current driver but it’s that the fact the driver is installed/reinstalled after the update to Monterey that seems to fix the problem (allegedly!).

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