Stuart Schaefer

Stuart Schaefer

Gulf Breeze, FL

I am freelance photographer, traveler and blogger. Also involved with The Traveling Seniors Travel Blog:

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  • Stuart Schaefer
    Stuart Schaefer
    Posts: 7
    Switching from Lightroom to Capture One Questions
    on: December 2, 2020 at 1:52 pm

    You can do all the things you can do in a catalog.  I can sort by camera and lens or things like that.  I am putting an outline together for a tutorial and will make sure I cover that.


    Thanks! I think I am getting an handle of on how sessions can work. Just so used to using catalogs of the years,

    Will be looking forward to this tutorial especially if you add sessions and how you use them.




    Stuart Schaefer
    Stuart Schaefer
    Posts: 7
    Re: Switching from Lightroom to Capture One Questions
    Reply #1 on: December 2, 2020 at 1:26 pm

    I have shared my feeling about the DAM part of C1 with them.  My workflow is a bit different.  After a shoot, I load everything into a session.  It is swift.  Everything stays in the session folder, which I can move from internal to external simply by moving a folder.  If I am on a trip, I start editing on images in a session.  When I get home, I move the session to my MAC PRO.  There I do final edits, output tiff, and such.  

    After I have done everything, I now move the session folder to my raid drive. (72 TB).  I put the session into 2020 sessions.  I create a Catalog and then import the session images in the catalog.  The catalog grows as I add more sessions.  I now have all the benefits for a session and a catalog.  I also have specialty catalogs that I import into Antarctica, Iceland, New York, family, etc.  I shoot on the average year without COVID around 100,000 images.  These I can now find in 2020 sessions.  I can go right o the session or launch the catalog. 

    I’ll admit Adobe has done a great job with their catalogs and DB.  I just find it hard to move and merge everything.  I’m always afraid I’ll screw up the database.  

    This method works great for me.  

    Just my 10 cents.


    Interesting input on how you handles a large DB. May start trying to work with session starting in 2021. By then the updated C1 version should be out and since I currently have a subscription will get the update.

    If I understand you correctly you import session into a main catalog that contains many sessions?  If that is correct can you then search that catalog for images?

    The catalog issues in my main reason for not moving to C1 full time.

    Again thanks for your input.



    Stuart Schaefer
    Stuart Schaefer
    Posts: 7
    Re: Switching from Lightroom to Capture One Questions
    Reply #2 on: December 1, 2020 at 1:12 pm


    Well, I did try another drive as suggested by C1 Tech (G-Technology via Thunderbolt) and still had the same issues. I’m totally convince C1 can’t handle a large data base. Like you I enjoy C1 editing but not their Data Management.  Have now gone back to Lightroom Classic which has no issues with an over 140,000 images in the catalog. Maybe this new version of C1 coming soon will fix this Data Management issue.



    Stuart Schaefer
    Stuart Schaefer
    Posts: 7
    Re: Switching from Lightroom to Capture One Questions
    Reply #3 on: September 28, 2020 at 5:48 pm

    I did the switch to C1 from Lightroom (147,000 images on a Drobo 5D3 connected thunderbolt 3).

    Current system is a MacBook Pro (16 inch, 2019) Processor: 2.3 GHz Intel i9, Memory: 32 GB, Graphics: AMD Radeon Pro 5500M 8 GB Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB.

    I am finding it is extremely slow to open C1 with a catalog of this size. No issues with Lightroom Classic when opening.

    The C1 catalog is stored on the internal drive with reference photos on the Drobo 5D3.

    I have recently been in contact with tech support with C1 and just today was contacted with this statement:

    “Capture One has no limitation of catalog sizes, however we have issued reports with Drobo and LaCie drives due to their protective nature/type connection, which could be the case here as well.”

    So now I am looking a another external drive. Maybe the G-Technology Thunderbolt 3.  Those using C1 which external Thunderbolt drive are you using?

    Have had some tell me to break up the C1 catalog for speed but I really don’t want to do that. Did try doing a one year as a stand alone catalog and must admit it’s extremely fast to open (about 14,500 images),

    But I have just about come to the conclusion that C1 is unable to handle large catalogs like Lightroom Classic can.

    I will say I really do enjoy C1 and get some great results. One of the best features in my opion he Layers, which I find very useful along with the Color Editor.



    Stuart Schaefer
    Stuart Schaefer
    Posts: 7
    Re: The New Epson P700 Overview – Print At Home
    Reply #4 on: September 7, 2020 at 10:19 pm

    Hi Kevin,

    Nice article and video on the P700. I have a P900 on order and hope it becomes available soon.  One item you mentioned was the starter ink.  That always bugs me because you spend good money for the printer but only starter set of ink comes with the P700. You stated to purchase a set of ink when buying the printer which costs an additional $380 for a full set.  Sure wish these printers would come with a full set of ink cartridges.

    One question is what is the distance for wireless printing with the P700. Meaning I assume I could be in one room and the printer could be in another as long as I am on the same network?

    Be safe and happy printing.

