XRite, iMac, BenQ: Calibration issue

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    Topic: XRite, iMac, BenQ: Calibration issue Read 708 Times
  • Andy Gawthrope
    Andy Gawthrope
    Posts: 13
    Computers & Displays
    on: June 17, 2021 at 4:07 pm

    I’m hoping someone may be able to help me succeed with calibrating my two monitors so they look the same.

    Until I got my new Intel 2020 iMac 5k last year I had a 2015 model and succeeded in getting the display to look the same as that on my BenQ SW271.  Since moving to the 2020 iMac I’ve never succeeded in getting them to look the same.  Close but still noticably different especially with a uniform mid-tone grey wallpaper.  The mac is always brighter – a lighter grey.  Easily noticable to the eye.

    I’m still using the same I1Display Pro and always with the latest I1Profiler software (now v3.3.0) software.  Both monitors have been calibrated with a CIE D65 white point, Luminance 100 cd/m, Gamma 2.2, Contrast Ratio: Native.  The following display technologies were used: iMac – GB-LED, BenQ White LED. Flare Correct is disabled.  Ambient Light Smart Control is disabled.  Large (461) patch set. ADC: Disabled. Adjust brightness, contrast and RGB gains manually: Selected.  Other I1Profiler settings are the defaults.

    I’m confident the generated colour profiles are being used, but the iMac persists at being brighter.

    I’ve even used the BenQ Palette Master software to calibrate the BenQ to the same key settings as those above.  The result is the same as with the I1Profiler software.  So, I think the BenQ is operating as calibrated but the iMac is just always brighter with lighter tones.  Grrr!

    Any help much appreciated.



    Patrick Herold
    Patrick Herold
    Posts: 7
    Re: XRite, iMac, BenQ: Calibration issue
    Reply #1 on: June 17, 2021 at 6:22 pm
    My, it sounds like you are doing everything right.  Here are a few ideas off the top of my head that you could look into:
    – The different backlit technologies could affect the way the instrument measures the white.  If the iMac is consistently too bright, choose a lower luminance to calibrate it to, like 80 cd/m2 and calibrate only the iMac to that.   See if this makes a difference.   You would probably have to open up a blank white page on both displays to visually compare them to see which setting gets your iMac to where you want it.
    – When calibrating monitors we preferably like to have them roughly set up mechanically before we ask the software to step in and fine-tune the color.  I’m not sure if your iMac has a way to consistently reduce the backlight of the display before calibration?
    – Does the i1Profiler ADC feature (Automatic Display Control) interact with the iMac? (I’m not sure if it does or not.)  Are you using that?  If it works, it would take over the job of interacting with the hardware to control the display backlight.
    Andy Gawthrope
    Andy Gawthrope
    Posts: 13
    Re: XRite, iMac, BenQ: Calibration issue
    Reply #2 on: June 18, 2021 at 1:39 pm

    Thanks for the suggestions Patrick.  When using the XRite, I1Profiler software  I selected the appropriate display technology but your suggestion of decreasing the brightness by choosing a lower luminance is a good one.  I’ll give that a go.

    To my knowledge the iMac has no way of decreasing the backlight only the Brightness control.  Perhaps they are the same thing?  I don’t know.

    XRite recommend that ADC is not used on Macs so I’ve got it disabled.  Its easy to try profiling with it enabled if the software allows it to be enabled so, I’ll give that a go too.

    Just for reference XRite give the following advice: https://www.xrite.com/service-support/poor_results_with_i1display_pro_on_mac



    Andrew Rodney
    Andrew Rodney
    Posts: 416
    Re: XRite, iMac, BenQ: Calibration issue
    Reply #3 on: June 18, 2021 at 1:53 pm

    It is going to be trial and error due to what Patrick mentioned (backlight technology) and it may be impossible, depending on the tools in the software to do this. You may need control over WB from both ‘blue/yellow’ and ‘magenta/green’ which not all tools provide. I’d try to nail the cd/m2 visually first, then WB but it could take a lot of time and in the end, the solution that works and is easy is to have two identical color reference display systems (like two NEC PA’s). Plus that system has full control over all aspects of altering the aim points (targets) for calibration.

    Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management" (pluralsight.com)

    Andy Gawthrope
    Andy Gawthrope
    Posts: 13
    Re: XRite, iMac, BenQ: Calibration issue
    Reply #4 on: June 20, 2021 at 10:16 am

    Yesterday I tried reducing the luminance of the iMac.  This worked but the the same grey patch was still looked lighter after recalibration.  I’ve also tried with a Measured black point without success.  As you suggested Andrew Rodney this is eating lots of time 🙁   I’m now going to use only the BenQ as the reference monitor from now on and make sure all the critical editing uses that.  The iMac is close-enough; it’s annoying but not a show-stopper!

    Thanks  for the suggestions guys.


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