Replicating paper color in PS

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    Topic: Replicating paper color in PS Read 371 Times
  • Elliot Puritz
    Elliot Puritz
    Silver Member
    Posts: 77
    Printing Colour Management
    on: April 10, 2022 at 11:51 am

    I enjoy printing on washi, and certain varieties of these papers are warm tone.

    Is there a way to replicate the color of the paper and use such as the border in Photoshop?  I am very aware of the steps that one can use to choose a custom color, but to be honest I am finding it virtually impossible to exactly replicate the color of a specific paper.

    Qimage has an excellent feature in that one can replicate the color of the paper and the paper color is also visualized in the borders, i.e., the print can be seen as it would appear on the paper.  I have no idea how the program “knows” the color of the paper and can use that color seamlessly.  Can one accomplish the same action when editing an image in Photoshop?



    Andrew Rodney
    Andrew Rodney
    Posts: 416
    Re: Replicating paper color in PS
    Reply #1 on: April 10, 2022 at 1:06 pm

    In the broader of Photoshop (around the image previewing?), well kind of; you can get the Lab values of paper white then option-click the Photoshop background and select Custom Color and insert the values.

    Easier in Lightroom Classic where when soft proofing, you have an option for Paper White.

    Both do not PRINT, they are simply the surround to view the image. If you want to print this, you need to increase the canvas of the image of course.

    Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management" (

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