Debra’s Tribute to Jack Fadely

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    Topic: Debra’s Tribute to Jack Fadely Read 687 Times
  • Mark D Segal
    Mark D Segal
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    Posts: 951
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    on: April 24, 2020 at 10:55 am

    This is a fine tribute Debra. I didn’t know Jack at all, but between your article and Kevin’s, I feel as if I had gotten to “know” him and understand what a wonderful human being he was. It is so sad to lose such fine people. It is at times like this we realize what the gift of life means and how abruptly it can be snatched away from us. His paintings show great strength, wonderful luminosity. Those will survive as a tangible testament and memory of who Jack was. I was also pleased to learn that you tested negative and presumably that means Kevin is also negative. Let us hope.

    Best regards,


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