Inspired By David Pye Part 2

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    Topic: Inspired By David Pye Part 2 Read 380 Times
  • Dave Chew
    Dave Chew
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    on: February 27, 2022 at 11:33 am

    Alain, your description of Teardrop Arch reminded me of an experience in the 1990’s with Galen Rowell. His image, Redwoods in the Fog (AA0901), was taken in Redwood Park. A small park in the Berkeley hills above Oakland. He wanted to retake the image, but couldn’t remember the exact location! The problem was he used a 20mm lens, which can make a scene difficult to find until you are almost on top of it. During one of his workshops, with what seemed like the same environmental conditions and a copy of the photograph in-hand, we wandered around and finally found the spot. Even though it was just a few years later in very similar weather, everything was different; he couldn’t get a satisfactory duplicate.

    An approximate duplication of an image is difficult even for the original photographer because images are a unique event in “space-time.” I think this is a wonderful characteristic of photography.


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    Terry Gipson
    Terry Gipson
    Silver Member
    Posts: 33
    Re: Inspired By David Pye Part 2
    Reply #1 on: March 2, 2022 at 10:57 pm


    This article continues a most eloquent and sensitive elaboration of the process, necessity, and experience of separation from previous influences, at least for those who continue to advance in their artistic journey toward a unique personal style.

    I continue to struggle to conceptualize and even find words for my own experience of leaving the res, taking the road less traveled, and breaking with photographic tradition.

    Your article continues to expand on the breadth of that experience and its complexity.

    I had some difficulty knowing where you were headed from Part 1, but this essay was much clearer. The examples greatly helped illustrate the points you were presenting and make the points more personal.

    I look forward to your further articles!


    Terry Colorado USA [email protected]

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