Terry Gipson

Terry Gipson

Littleton, CO

I am a physician still actively practicing medicine in the US. In my spare time, I seek the opportunity to express my creative side through the advancement of newer artistic processes from my photography. You are welcome to see and purchase my work ...
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An Afternoon On The Playa

An Afternoon On The Playa

I am a mid-life professional looking to become an artist. Here I share another experience in print and images. I always share my experience to foster others who have moved into art from a previous technical profession. A playa is a dried-up...

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  • Terry Gipson
    Terry Gipson
    Silver Member
    Posts: 33
    New Article Announcements & Discussions
    on: August 28, 2022 at 9:47 pm

    This is a remarkably erudite and insightful article.

    Your article displays a remarkable perception of being an artist and reflections upon your experiences sharing your work with others.

    It provides a great degree of clarity and discernment as those of us newbies progressing along the path of making and sharing our photographs as art.

    The life and experiences of artists has far exceeded the time of photography, and your article makes that abundantly clear.

    Thank you!

    Terry Colorado USA [email protected] www.terrygipsonphotography.com

    Terry Gipson
    Terry Gipson
    Silver Member
    Posts: 33
    Re: Inspired By David Pye Part 2
    Reply #1 on: March 2, 2022 at 10:57 pm


    This article continues a most eloquent and sensitive elaboration of the process, necessity, and experience of separation from previous influences, at least for those who continue to advance in their artistic journey toward a unique personal style.

    I continue to struggle to conceptualize and even find words for my own experience of leaving the res, taking the road less traveled, and breaking with photographic tradition.

    Your article continues to expand on the breadth of that experience and its complexity.

    I had some difficulty knowing where you were headed from Part 1, but this essay was much clearer. The examples greatly helped illustrate the points you were presenting and make the points more personal.

    I look forward to your further articles!


    Terry Colorado USA [email protected] www.terrygipsonphotography.com

    Terry Gipson
    Terry Gipson
    Silver Member
    Posts: 33
    Re: Ink Jet Paper Surfaces and How Paper is Made – PXL Print Series
    Reply #2 on: January 5, 2022 at 7:58 pm

    Marvelous video and comment by Mark that left me wanting to know more.

    I thought I knew something but now I feel like a newbie again!!

    Well done all!


    Terry Colorado USA [email protected] www.terrygipsonphotography.com

    Terry Gipson
    Terry Gipson
    Silver Member
    Posts: 33
    Re: Shooting Street
    Reply #3 on: December 2, 2021 at 10:20 am

    I took no offense. It was nice to hear someone make a distinction between being an artist and the whole amateur-professional dialogue.

    Terry Colorado USA [email protected] www.terrygipsonphotography.com

    Terry Gipson
    Terry Gipson
    Silver Member
    Posts: 33
    Re: New Article Announcements & Discussions
    Reply #4 on: November 30, 2021 at 7:18 pm

    which ignores the fact that some amateurs are more competent artists than many professionals

    That is a most refreshing statement to hear someone say!


    Terry Colorado USA [email protected] www.terrygipsonphotography.com