Printing Black and White with the Epson P-900

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    Topic: Printing Black and White with the Epson P-900 Read 1764 Times
  • George Stark
    George Stark
    Posts: 72
    Epson Printers
    on: May 5, 2021 at 8:58 pm

    I was curious if those of you who print Black and White with the Epson P900 have best results with ABW method or have better or equal results using settings the allow you to use  carbon black?





    Mark D Segal
    Mark D Segal
    Silver Member
    Posts: 951
    Re: Printing Black and White with the Epson P-900
    Reply #1 on: May 5, 2021 at 9:45 pm

    Please read my review article. All that is covered in depth.

    Andrew Rodney
    Andrew Rodney
    Posts: 428
    Re: Printing Black and White with the Epson P-900
    Reply #2 on: May 5, 2021 at 10:36 pm

    Carbon black being a 3rd party ink or just the Epson black?

    Either way, I’d suggest ABW for a number of reasons: Less colors of ink used, more archival, control over color toning, no issues with metameric errors, and with Epson Print Layout, soft proofing of this with your own images.

    Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management" (

    Mark D Segal
    Mark D Segal
    Silver Member
    Posts: 951
    Re: Printing Black and White with the Epson P-900
    Reply #3 on: May 5, 2021 at 10:53 pm

    Carbon Black, a.k.a. Black Enhance Overcoat is a particular setting in the Epson driver for the P700/P900 models that is available for high gloss papers. It can be used on these papers in either non-ABW or ABW driver modes. All discussed in my article. The best way for you to decide which mode to use for B&W printing is to select one or two of your favorite B&W files and print them using several optional settings with and without ABW and seeing which you like best in terms of controls and results.

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