Who Two

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    Topic: Who Two Read 362 Times
  • Russ Lewis
    Russ Lewis
    Silver Member
    Posts: 2791
    Landscape & Nature Photography
    on: May 27, 2021 at 3:25 pm

    This little guy came back.


    Jeremy Roussak
    Jeremy Roussak
    Gold Member
    Posts: 1060
    Re: Who Two
    Reply #1 on: May 28, 2021 at 4:18 am

    If he’s going to be a frequent visitor, Russ, you have some excellent photographic opportunities in store.


    Russ Lewis
    Russ Lewis
    Silver Member
    Posts: 2791
    Re: Who Two
    Reply #2 on: May 28, 2021 at 10:56 am

    I’m pretty sure I’ll see him again, Jeremy. I know which woods he lives in. He’s not too put off by people. Nobody in this retirement community is a threat.

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