Silo City Reflections

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    Topic: Silo City Reflections Read 813 Times
  • Mark Maio
    Mark Maio
    Posts: 1
    PXL News
    on: June 3, 2020 at 6:56 am


    Thanks for the great article related to my Silo City Workshop. Michael has been to almost every one of my workshops at Silo City and has done wonderful work with his light painting. Each trip he makes informs and adds to the images he produces the next time, an experience repeated by many attendees. When I first offered this workshop, my initial participants confided to me as the workshop concluded, that when they signed up for it they thought they would run out of subject matter to photograph after being in one place for 2 1/2 days. In reality, they realized that in that time frame, given over one million square feet to explore, they only scratched the surface of image possibilities. Many of these attendees have returned every year after.

    The workshop will be conducted as planned this August. Both Buffalo and Silo City are open. The hotel we are using has instituted deep cleaning procedures and there is ample room to social distance at the site. Since this seems to be one of the few photography workshops still being offered this year, and is within driving distance for a large portion of the population, response has been tremendous.

    There are still a few spots remaining. For more information:



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