Salt Spring Island BC


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    Topic: Salt Spring Island BC Read 831 Times
  • Steven Friedman
    Steven Friedman
    Posts: 28
    Landscape & Nature Photography
    on: August 3, 2019 at 11:17 pm

    this location is only a few minutes from our house. I saw the clouds setting up and headed to Southey Pt. I had my nephew visiting for a week. He was getting photography lessons from his Uncle. This was a good spot to let him explore.


    This image is a five minute exposure with the Phase One XF IQ4 150 camera using a ten stop ND from Breakthrough Filters.

    Kevin Raber
    Kevin Raber
    Silver Member
    Posts: 1311
    Re: Salt Spring Island BC
    Reply #1 on: August 4, 2019 at 3:24 am

    You pulled off a very nice image as I would expect no less from you. Question though and for a lot of my images lately I have been masking areas in the image where there is too much blue and the desaturating it as well as warming it up a bit making for a more neutral grey.  What would you think?  I may have just added a bit more yellow and darkened the yellow are with the color edition. By the way I ve the spit of land jutting out that handles taking your eye to the horizon.

    Please consider adding these images of yours to the community gallery


    Kevin Raber
    Owner and Publisher of photoPXL

    Steven Friedman
    Steven Friedman
    Posts: 28
    Re: Salt Spring Island BC
    Reply #2 on: August 4, 2019 at 11:27 am


    Thank  you for your comments on this image. When processing this image, I did check the colour balance. Typically, I use a curves adjustment using the midtone eye dropper selecting medium gray. I looked at this correction, but did not like the look. It felt fake and unreal to how the scene was when I photographed it at dusk.  It was not a image about a sunset, it was more about the moody scene, and interesting clouds with the island layered in the distance. The point grounds the scene, and guides you through to the islands. The new IQ4 150 Phase One back is excellent at white balance. It is actually, one of the features that I find exciting about this new back, and worth the upgrade price  as well, the Breakthrough filters are pretty neutral for colour cast.  Of course now I can use Phase One’s frame averaging technique and ditch the ND.

    When I start to print a image the colour balance may change a bit. How it ends up in a print compared to the posted jpeg can be different in colour balance, and burning and dodging. I do have in the back on my mind that the image has a blue cast to it. We will see if I get an order for this image. It is a local image and the local gallery that has my work may like it enough for a print.

    I didn’t understand your thoughts on the point?


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