problem with the targeted adjustment tool in PS 22.3.0

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    Topic: problem with the targeted adjustment tool in PS 22.3.0 Read 655 Times
  • Eric Brody
    Eric Brody
    Posts: 69
    Adobe Photoshop & Pixel Editing Applications
    on: March 31, 2021 at 11:07 am

    I recently upgraded Photoshop to the latest version on my desktop and laptop. Since then, the targeted adjustment tool (TAT) behaves in a strange fashion. If I make a curves layer and choose a location on the image with the targeted adjustment tool, move the point up or down, the point on the curve lags and moves, slowly, almost as if the tool has a mind of its own. Eventually it stops but not often where I want it to.
    I’ve tried it both on my desktop, iMac 2020, i9, 64GB RAM, Catalina, and my laptop, Macbook Pro 2016, i7, 16GB RAM, Mojave. I uninstalled and reinstalled the previous version, 22.2.0 on my laptop and the problem seems to be gone. I’d happily reinstall the earlier version on my desktop but am worried I’ll lose all my settings and preferences. Does anyone know how to revert to an earlier version and keep one’s settings?
    Has anyone else had this problem or am I alone and unique in my misery. There is a similar report on the Adobe Community forum but no resolution.

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