Photokina in Cologne cancelled because of COVID-19


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    Topic: Photokina in Cologne cancelled because of COVID-19 Read 801 Times
  • Oliver Ritter-Wolff
    Oliver Ritter-Wolff
    Silver Member
    Posts: 198
    Pro Business
    on: November 27, 2020 at 1:03 pm

    Aus nach 70 Jahren: Das Ende der photokina ist besiegelt

    Next Photokina in Cologne cancelled because of COVID-19 but maybe there will be no more Photokina in general. Sadly, the fair has accompanied me all my photo life.

    Oliver Ritter-Wolff
    Oliver Ritter-Wolff
    Silver Member
    Posts: 198
    Re: Photokina in Cologne cancelled because of COVID-19
    Reply #1 on: November 27, 2020 at 1:25 pm

    Kevin Raber
    Kevin Raber
    Silver Member
    Posts: 1311
    Re: Photokina in Cologne cancelled because of COVID-19
    Reply #2 on: November 27, 2020 at 4:50 pm

    I have been going to Photokina for as long as I remember.   I went as a photographer,  as management for a large color lab, and with Phase One.  I remember the days when Koodak, Leica, Agfa had their own halls.  I was always amazed at the thousands of people there and t put in perspective just how large the photo industry was.  Of course, all f that has changed.  It will be a few years before travel is up to where it once was.  Camera and other manufacturers realize they can reach audiences through other means. The interest in photography due to the pandemic is also waning.  Hopefully, it will come back.  Let’s also consider costs to go to a trade show not only for those that are exhibiting but also those that an attendee.

    As we move forward and come out of the pandemic, there are lots of talks that big companies may allow employees to still work from home.  Here in Indianapolis, we have the Headquarters for SalesForce.  Their employees have been working from home since March, and most of the offices have been empty.  Companies are seeing that they don’t need offices or even a lot of travel to maintain and grow.  As this pandemic winds down, big and small companies will rethink their businesses and what they do.  It’s predicted that business travel will be cut in half.  A lot of business can be done in a few hours over Zoom that use to take days of travel and meetings

    So, Photokina won’t be the last trade show that goes away.   A lot of things will be changing.  2021 will be a year of rethinking the way we do business, and it will be a result of what we have learned from the pandemic.

    Kevin Raber
    Owner and Publisher of photoPXL

    Oliver Ritter-Wolff
    Oliver Ritter-Wolff
    Silver Member
    Posts: 198
    Re: Photokina in Cologne cancelled because of COVID-19
    Reply #3 on: November 28, 2020 at 7:41 am

    Hello Kevin,

    I still remember my young years when my father, who had an affinity for architectural photography as an architect and also filmed with Super8, took me to the Photokina in Cologne for the first time. As a photo beginner I was very impressed by the big fair, the many great photos, the fascinating technology and the internationality of this fair.

    From then on I was an irregular regular guest at the Photokina for many years, as a private person and later for professional reasons. Here one could see concentrated innovations, make or deepen contacts or even take technology and paper in hand and check what perhaps not every photo dealer had on site. In addition, I could reach the Cologne Trade Fair Center in half an hour by train, so it was practically on my doorstep.

    The Photokina was a Cologne institution with international flair and one was always happy when the time finally came and the gates opened.

    Yes, a lot changes in these times. The whole working world is driven by COVID-19 in upheaval.

    Also I am working since March mainly in the home office and since then I was only 2 times in the company, which like all big companies are almost completely controlled from home. Who would have thought that a year ago? In the past I used to fly regularly to meetings between the locations, today it’s all done via Skype, MS-Team, Zoom, google Meet, Teamviewer and similar tools. Collaboration and communications systems are booming. The way they work is largely functional.

    Even if there are effective vaccines now, which is yet to be proven, the working world will remain changed forever, that much is certain. The large companies in the conurbations are already thinking about eliminating expensive office space across the board, but this is all the more difficult now that everyone is doing it. Nevertheless, in my opinion this trend is irreversible no matter if COVID-19 is put into the barriers or not.

    We will have to adjust to it and there are advantages and disadvantages of these changes.

    But despite Internet and world-wide digital communication, one will miss Events such as the Photokina in the future.

    In this respect the Photokina two years ago was the last one – it seems – and I had at least the pleasure to visit it for the last time together with a colleague. At that time we would never have suspected that this was the last Photokina.

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