Phase One XT Rodenstock 23mm f/5.6 in-depth review

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    Topic: Phase One XT Rodenstock 23mm f/5.6 in-depth review Read 560 Times
  • Vieri Bottazzini
    Vieri Bottazzini
    Posts: 32
    Medium Format
    on: July 3, 2021 at 7:05 am

    Hello everyone, I finally completed my first of a series of in-depth reviews dedicated to Rodenstock lenses, in particular used in X-Shutter and on a Phase One XT. The first instalment will analyse the Rodenstock 23mm f/5.6, the widest lens for full-frame medium format.

    While lacking the convenience of autofocus, weather sealing and other features that we are used to take for granted these days, tech camera lenses such the XT Rodenstock 23mm f/5.6 are a feat of optical engineering: are they perfect? Nothing is, but they definitely offer something unique.

    You can find the whole review here, if interested:

    Looking forward to your comments! Best regards,


    Vieri Bottazzini


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