MF Scanner Braun FS-120

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    Topic: MF Scanner Braun FS-120 Read 24654 Times
  • Oliver Ritter-Wolff
    Oliver Ritter-Wolff
    Silver Member
    Posts: 203
    MF Scanner Braun FS-120
    on: January 2, 2021 at 4:40 pm

    … the cultural heritage is always an expensive affair 😉 and the whole thing is far beyond my budget.

    Nevertheless, I want to see what works with the normal Pro version of C1.

    Two Ways to Turn a Negative Into a Positive Image Using Capture One

    There are also some similar approaches based on Adobe Camera RAW that I will have a look at.


    Mark D Segal
    Mark D Segal
    Silver Member
    Posts: 951
    Re: MF Scanner Braun FS-120
    Reply #1 on: January 2, 2021 at 4:41 pm

    Yes I know that. Whether it’s worth the thousands of dollars it costs depends on your needs and the alternatives for achieving what you want.

    Mark D Segal
    Mark D Segal
    Silver Member
    Posts: 951
    Re: MF Scanner Braun FS-120
    Reply #2 on: January 2, 2021 at 4:45 pm

    Yup – it is worthwhile testing the normal version of C1.

    You can use approaches based on ACR, and I’ve worked with a number in years gone by. In the final analysis, I have always found that NegaFix in SilverFast is the easiest and the best, and customizable. Negative Lab Pro is a new “kid on the block” and from my preliminary testing I’m impressed with it.

    Oliver Ritter-Wolff
    Oliver Ritter-Wolff
    Silver Member
    Posts: 203
    Re: MF Scanner Braun FS-120
    Reply #3 on: January 2, 2021 at 4:57 pm

    … Silverfast HDR Negafix is also an interesting option and if you say it’s the best, of course that has considerable weight :).

    I saw earlier on the Silverfast website that I can get an update to Silverfast HDR Studio 9 for 149.- EUR. This seems to be a good solution for my project, but I wonder if Silverfast can read the Panasonic Lumix S1R files?


    Mark D Segal
    Mark D Segal
    Silver Member
    Posts: 951
    Re: MF Scanner Braun FS-120
    Reply #4 on: January 2, 2021 at 5:01 pm

    Unless something has changed between version 8 and version 9, it will not read raw files from cameras.

    Mike Nelson Pedde
    Mike Nelson Pedde
    Posts: 641
    Re: MF Scanner Braun FS-120
    Reply #5 on: January 2, 2021 at 7:29 pm

    I haven’t yet tried it, but the Skier light box looks really intriguing. More here:


    Mike Nelson Pedde
    Victoria, BC

    Oliver Ritter-Wolff
    Oliver Ritter-Wolff
    Silver Member
    Posts: 203
    Re: MF Scanner Braun FS-120
    Reply #6 on: January 3, 2021 at 6:44 am

    I haven’t yet tried it, but the Skier light box looks really intriguing. More here:


    Hello Mike,

    thanks for the for the YouTube link. I will have a look.

    I have slides for the most part. So I will look at that first.

    Film negatives hold a few more challenges. Here Marc has already given a few good and relevant tips. I will certainly test more different approaches.


    Christopher Sanderson
    Christopher Sanderson
    Gold Member
    Posts: 367
    Re: MF Scanner Braun FS-120
    Reply #7 on: January 3, 2021 at 5:32 pm

    As you may have already seen, there is now a forum intended for discussions on digitizing photographs & negatives here.
    I will leave this discussion in place for now but will likely move it later.


    Oliver Ritter-Wolff
    Oliver Ritter-Wolff
    Silver Member
    Posts: 203
    Re: MF Scanner Braun FS-120
    Reply #8 on: January 3, 2021 at 5:40 pm

    Hello Chris,

    that makes sense if there is now the new structure element :).


    Oliver Ritter-Wolff
    Oliver Ritter-Wolff
    Silver Member
    Posts: 203
    Re: MF Scanner Braun FS-120
    Reply #9 on: January 4, 2021 at 6:54 pm

    … btw. the company Braun wrote me today that the medium format scanner Braun FS-120 is also no longer available.

    This means that there are only remaining stocks in the stores. The number of available medium format scanners is decreasing noticeably more and more.


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