Leaving Olympus for…? (Leica SL2?)

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    Topic: Leaving Olympus for…? (Leica SL2?) Read 425 Times
  • Peter Gallagher
    Peter Gallagher
    Posts: 29
    Cameras, Lenses and Shooting Gear
    on: October 16, 2020 at 1:54 am

    May I ask for your advice?

    I’ve just sold my OLY camera (and am still trying to sell my extensive range of OLY glass) because… well, that’s for some other time.

    I’m returning of FF, but rather hesitantly. I would really like to limit my next choices to one camera and at most one or two lenses. Perhaps a high-quality zoom and a wide-angle prime. And I have to be able to travel comfortably with it. I’m an active and fit 70-yr old. But I really enjoyed the weight advantage of the µ4/3.

    I don’t wish to be inflammatory, but I’m really not interested in going back to Nikon or Canon, even mirrorless. I formerly owned both. They make fine equipment. But after decades of their incrementalism I’m uninspired by the brands and their follow-ship. Fuji? It’s a bit off-centre for me (sorry Kevin). I’m not a fan of the ‘retro’ camera designs and I can’t see the benefit of X-Trans. Sony? It’s my fault: I find their cameras awkward to hold/use and their control-menus confusing. Also I don’t understand where they’re going with their four-or-five-or-six camera releases a year. Honestly, I find that unconvincing and troubling from an investment perspective.

    Which brings me to the question on which I’d really like your help.  The ILC I have that I like most,  on screen, at least,  is the Leica SL2 with the 24-90 Elmarit lens. It’s a big investment and (thanks to COVID lockdown restrictions in Melbourne AU) I can’t really get one to test or spend some time with one in a store.

    Do you own one? Have you carried one for a while on your travels? I can see the image quality by downloading sample raws from some review sites. I’m not terribly concerned about that: the raws look really nice. But I am concerned about the 2kg weight. And maybe there are other things I should be thinking of (no USB port? The ridiculous FOTOS app? The potential for an SL3 in the next six months?)

    I’d be grateful for your thoughts because it’s difficult to think of another community that is likely to be as well-informed and (on average) unbiased 🙂


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