Kevin Edits Raw with Capture One

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    Topic: Kevin Edits Raw with Capture One Read 660 Times
  • William Janes
    William Janes
    Posts: 5
    About This Site
    on: September 4, 2020 at 11:02 am

    I watched parts of Kevin’s movie where he demonstrates some powerful editing of raw files with Capture One. However, the presentation was of limited interest to me since I am an Adobe person who uses ACR, LR Classic and Photoshop. I realize that many consider C1 to be a more professional and possibly better raw editor than ACR/LR, but I have used the Adobe applications for many years and they meet my needs and I do not plan on switching. Since I don’t know C1, I had trouble following the interface, which was tucked to the right side of the screen and partially obscured by thumbnails of his participants.

    I don’t know Kevin’s audience, but I suspect that more use Adobe apps than C1. Indeed, on a well known competing forum there are four times more posts and topics on Lightroom than C1. I suspect that many forum members here would be more interested in LR/ACR articles. I saw Jeff Schewe lurking in the thumbnails and perhaps he could be persuaded into contributing some Adobe material. He has published extensively on ACR.

    Best regards,

    Bill Janes



    Kevin Raber
    Kevin Raber
    Silver Member
    Posts: 1311
    Re: Kevin Edits Raw with Capture One
    Reply #1 on: September 4, 2020 at 11:54 am

    William, I was upfront stating that I use C1.  No matter which RAW processor you use the tools are almost all the same.  The point was not so much a tutorial as a demonstration.  We learned a lot too and sort of why we did this demo.  In the demo, the thumbnails of participants weren’t even showing on the screen.  why they now cover the toolbar is unknown but being looked into. The point once again of the demo was to show what you can do to adjust a RAW file.  There are a lot of Adobe converts to C1 and they seem to be growing all the time and for many reasons.

    we are considering doing something similar with ACR and Lightroom in the near future.  Maybe I’ll twist Jeff’s arm for this. On this site, I share a lot about what I use and work with.  o, stay tuned, I’m sure we’ll do something that may interest you on the LR side of things.

    Kevin Raber
    Owner and Publisher of photoPXL

    Oliver Ritter-Wolff
    Oliver Ritter-Wolff
    Silver Member
    Posts: 198
    Re: Kevin Edits Raw with Capture One
    Reply #2 on: September 5, 2020 at 6:01 am

    Kevin’s “RAW Edits With Kevin Raber” gives some interesting insights into what is possible in RAW development today.

    When I think back, I switched from chemical film to digital photography in 2003 and, despite some printing experience, I had some problems with RAW development, electronic image editing and inkjet printing (metamerism, bronzing, etc.).

    In the beginning I developed everything with the RAW converters that the camera manufacturers supplied. A photographer friend of mine introduced me to CaptureOne (C1) at that time and so I took a CaptureOne (C1) training with Renate Lange in Cologne, (Germany) in 2004 or 2005. From then on my workflow looked like this: FileSystem, CaptureOne, Photoshop. What I was missing was a good image database at that time.

    At that time, the reference books of Bruce Frazer and Jeff Schewe, but also Uwe Steinmüller and Roberto Casavecchia and many other digital pioneers helped me to understand the field better and improve the results. In addition, I had some IT and chemical photography experience, but also a lot of my own joy of experimenting.

    When Adobe Lightroom was launched in 2007, it was the integrated software solution they were looking for. The development results of C1 always seemed to me to be a bit more crisp, but the integration of the modules was a big advantage. So my workflow changed to Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop and partly the GraphicConverter ( ) from Robert Lemke was used for processing and organizing my scans (here: Silverfast and VueScan). C1 was also used from time to time when I prepared single files for printing.

    Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop and some additive PluIns were from then on the linchpin of digital image processing and management for many years.

    When Adobe decided to offer Lightroom and Photoshop only as a rental model and no longer as a perpetual license, in addition over the years also did not become more performant and C1 became better and better, on top of that now also brought along an image management and an import of Lightroom databases was possible, I looked at C1 more intensively again.

    At the same time I also took a look at other solutions, like On1, Skylum, DXO Lab. etc.. In the end, all these solutions did not convince me 100% in one way or another, although there are many positive things to be found there.

    Only DXO Photolab still plays a role, but more about that later.

    In 2020 I adapted my workflow and since then I use the RawFileViewer for the pre-selection of my photos, before the remaining photos are imported into C1 and developed there. If I still need an image editing program beyond C1, I now use the Serif software Affinity Photo and Affinity Publisher. Some AddOn software from Lightroom from Topaz over Silverefex and some others are left as standalone versions. For the organization of my scan TIFF files I still use Lemkes’s GraphicConverter in version 11.

    My son and my daughter have also been using Lightroom for a long time, because I got some licenses when I bought cameras. As perpetual licenses they could always use them for a long time at low cost, which was important for students, because money is always a scarce commodity ;).

    But at some point Lightroom 6 didn’t run properly anymore and the Lumix mFT cameras I had given both of them were not supported. A detour via DNG was cumbersome. But both, now students, didn’t want to subscribe either. So they looked for alternatives.

    Both did not get along well with C1 and unfortunately there is no cheap express version for mFT-Files. This version is only available for Sony, Nikon and Fuji files. So the view fell on my old DXO Photolab license. This software, now also with a simple image management, was immediately accepted by both. The software also runs very fast on slower PCs/Macs and produces quite good development results. Both combine DXO Photolab 3 with XNView MP in the preselection.

    In addition, the young people also approach things differently, as I do. After the RAW development is finished, they end up working on the iPad with pen and produce results for web stories and digital but also printed photo books. Here we use the print service Saal Digital ( ), which is well known in the German speaking countries.

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