IQ4 Mobile Platform – Cascable

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    Topic: IQ4 Mobile Platform – Cascable Read 627 Times
  • Drew Altdo
    Drew Altdo
    Gold Member
    Posts: 7
    Medium Format
    on: June 18, 2021 at 6:17 am

    Hey All,

    As of yesterday, Cascable 6.0 is now available for iOS.


    Since Pre-Pandemic times (accounting for a few delays here/there) we’ve been working with the Software team at Cascable to implement the SDK for the IQ4. As Phase One has always had in-house software development, this was a new challenge for us and a lot of great learnings took place as we scoped and built the foundation for an entirely new mobile platform. This is the first small step in our roadmap for building a strong, professional, seamless workflow on mobile devices.

    Our collaboration with Cascable is a long term relationship. We’ve sought out the team that we thought held the best understanding and desire to deliver a Mobile Camera Control ecosystem. We certainly found that with the Cascable team. They’re dedicated experts for the mobile implementation and have helped us to explore a lot of the concepts and opportunities that exist in a mobile platform.

    With Capture One announcing their iPad app sometime next year, the IQ4 will be well positioned to provide complete mobile integration, from controlling the camera, organising files, and implementing preliminary edits in Capture One before getting back to your proper “darkroom”.

    We’ve already scoped our next release, both for the IQ4 and Cascable, but your suggestions and feedback is always welcome so we can be sure we meet the expectations of all our IQ4 users.


    Kevin Raber
    Kevin Raber
    Silver Member
    Posts: 1324
    Re: IQ4 Mobile Platform – Cascable
    Reply #1 on: June 18, 2021 at 10:21 am

    I have been testing this and will report on it along with the IQ4 XT once I am a back from the Palouse Workshops.  It’s pretty cool.

    Kevin Raber
    Owner and Publisher of photoPXL

    Michael Wendt
    Michael Wendt
    Posts: 2
    Re: IQ4 Mobile Platform – Cascable
    Reply #2 on: September 4, 2022 at 3:44 am

    Hi Drew, what you are expressing is: Cascable is dead if a full blown version of Capture One iPad is on market. At the moment we do have an old app only for IQ3, we do have Cascable only for IQ4 and a not for tethering working Capture One iPad version.   What a perfect marketing, no this is nonsense.

    I do not know or understand the decisions in the background especially from the investors. Separating CO from PO is separating -especially the Bespoke Photography group – good business from bad business. But withdrawing CO from PO is nonsense, there is no software development any further, so Capture One Inside or the so called “infinity platform” is dead prior to be really born.


    We do need real communication, Drew, bad marketing and bad communication are the signs of dying. There are a lot of people outside who have hardly invested in the Phase One platform, do you really feel no responsibility for your customers?  Michael

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