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    Topic: Gone Read 408 Times
  • Russ Lewis
    Russ Lewis
    Silver Member
    Posts: 2737
    Wabi Sabi
    on: May 28, 2021 at 11:34 am



    Daniel Koretz
    Daniel Koretz
    Posts: 87
    Re: Gone
    Reply #1 on: May 28, 2021 at 12:42 pm

    I like this scene and the composition, although I would probably crop a tiny bit off the sides and more off the top. But I have some problems with the processing. It’s over-sharpened, which is apparent from the halos around the tree branches and along the right side of the house, in addition to the general crunchiness (which is much more apparent if you enlarge the image by double-clicking). It’s also very noisy, although that might in part be the same issue, as unless one masks, sharpening makes noise more apparent. Did you introduce grain deliberately?

    Russ Lewis
    Russ Lewis
    Silver Member
    Posts: 2737
    Re: Gone
    Reply #2 on: May 28, 2021 at 1:42 pm

    Hi Daniel, I agree with everything you said.I shot this picture in 2003 with an Olympus E-20. I was shooting .jpeg because at that time there was no way to shoot raw. I haven’t sharpened it additionally in Camera Raw. It is what it is, and like you I appreciate the scene and the composition.

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