Create NYC

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    Topic: Create NYC Read 280 Times
  • Bob Klein
    Bob Klein
    Posts: 3
    PXLtorials Discussion
    on: July 14, 2022 at 10:01 am

    Is there anyone participating or contributing to the upcoming Create NYC? This is the replacement for PhotoExpo East, the long running equipment and seminar extravaganza at the Javits Center. This was in it’s heyday a Disneyland for photogearheads,  and a place to learn from pros. Jeff Schewe would be there a lot. I had been going since the eighties.

    Unfortunately Covid finished it off. But prior to that, it had become prohibitively expensive for manufacturers to rent floor space. The cost for the big two (Canon and Nikon) and then the big three (Canon, Nikon, Sony) would pay for an entire summer rental in the Hamptons. I will miss it. If CreateNYC doesn’t cut it, maybe PhotoExpo will return in some form.

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