Capture One article

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    Topic: Capture One article Read 598 Times
  • Jean-Michel Komarnicki
    Jean-Michel Komarnicki
    Posts: 17
    New Article Announcements & Discussions
    on: January 20, 2023 at 12:25 pm


    Your article made me smile. I made a living designing all sort of books and manuals. Had I have the proverbial “one dollar for”  every table that my clients included in their drafts, I would be very wealthy today. It does take a certain amount of skill to transform simplicity into obscurity, the Capture One people have definitely mastered that skill!

    I use LR and the full Adobe Suite since I also frequently InDesign and other programs. The subscription cost is quite acceptable to me, even in my semi-retirement days. Your note about joining Jeff to do a new LR tutorial caught my attention. I would certainly encourage you to do so, if it makes any financial  sense to you both. When I went fully digital for photography, I purchased the LR tutorials by Jeff and Michael from your previous site (still have those on a drive or two), and viewed all the following ones over the years. There are a gazillion youtube videos on LR, but none would be in the same league as the ones Michael, Jeff and you produced.

    I’m quite OK with subscriptions. I would like to support your site financially — I subscribe to your free level of membership — but find that the two upgraded levels are a more than what I am prepared to pay. It is not for me to tell you what to charge, but perhaps a level similar to what your previous site charges would attract more people such as me to pay the fee.

    All the best for the new year to you and your family.



    Kevin Raber
    Kevin Raber
    Silver Member
    Posts: 1311
    Re: Capture One article
    Reply #1 on: January 20, 2023 at 2:20 pm

    Thank you, Jean.  Setting levels for membership is a hard one.  I would know the benefits of the prices if we didn’t run into the pandemic would be a bit more attractive,  I always wanted to keep this site free to view and not lock people out.  Also, 1 dollar a month is not enough to sustain this site.  I am surprised the old site is still standing using that model.   We are about to start producing videos and other things that will help justify the cost of membership.  For those that are contributing we thank you as it allows us to keep the servers one and keep things going.

    Kevin Raber
    Owner and Publisher of photoPXL

    J. D. Ramsey
    J. D. Ramsey
    Silver Member
    Posts: 18
    Re: Capture One article
    Reply #2 on: January 26, 2023 at 11:17 pm

    Kevin – Thanks for your piece on C1.  I’ve maintained a C1 for several years now and, for a while, it was my main RAW processor.  I liked a lot of thing about C1, but never found it’s UI to be as comfortable as LRs.  And while the ability to endlessly modify the interface might seem like an advantage, it led me to constantly think about whether my interface choices were the most efficient instead of just getting down to work on my damn photos!

    Further, round-tripping LR with PS, being able to open LR RAWs as layers in PS or as smart objects, and the ability in PS to us the ACR filter, was just more comfortable.  Once LR sped up its speed and added some of its new features, I couldn’t stay with C1 and moved back.  Now with C1 charging more per month than Adobe charges for both LR and PS, it truly makes no sense for me to maintain my license.  I enjoyed you for awhile C1, but au revior.

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