2022 Workshop Dates


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    Topic: 2022 Workshop Dates Read 519 Times
  • Kevin Raber
    Kevin Raber
    Silver Member
    Posts: 1311
    PXL News
    on: December 26, 2020 at 3:45 pm

    I hope everyone has had a good Christmas.  I have been busy getting dates and locations in place for our workshops run through my other company Rockhopper Workshops.  The link for Rockhopper Workshops is at the bottom of this page.  I will post complete details in the coming two weeks both on this site and Rockhopper Workshops.


    Antarctica Photographic Expedition.  February 11-18, 2022. This trip is a photographer only trip. There will be three photo groups, one from Germany, one from Australia, and my group.  The trip will be focused on being at the best locations at the best times to make this an incredible photographic adventure.  The expedition team being assembled for this is the best in the business.

    Iceland Winter Workshop. March 7-17, 2022.  I will be taking ten people on a photo tour of Iceland.  This trip is designed to visit some of the best locations in Iceland and minimize our time at heavy tourist locations.  March allows us longer daylight hours and magnificent sunrises and sunsets.  We will have only 10  attendees on this trip.  Each person gets their own room. We wick you up at the airport and return you to the airport.  All meals are included.  I am working with a friend and one of the most experienced guides in Iceland.  I can’t wait to go back as it has been a few years since I have been in Iceland.  I have been visiting Iceland since 2004.  It’s a land of incredible photographic beauty.  Mark your calendars and look for more information soo.

    Iceland Fall Workshop. September 12 -22, 2022. There is nothing like Iceland in the fall.  Tourist season is over, and weather and colors are changing. We will have a group of ten, and each person gets their own room.  All meals are included, as well as airport pick up and drop off.  Come prepared to take some amazing images at some of the more incredible landscapes you have seen.  Full details about this workshop will be announced soon.

    With a vaccine on the horizon, we are counting on rerunning safe and normal workshops by mid-year 2021.  Details for our workshops for 2021 can be found at rockhopperworkshops.com.  Our Palouse workshops are sold out, and bookings are coming in for Greenland, Svalbard, and Antarctica. If you have any questions, make a post here or contact me directly.

    We are also planning on several fine art printing workshops at my gallery. We have four printers, which will be a great chance to learn what it takes to make great prints.  We will announce these dates when we are confident that we can assemble together safely again.

    I don’t know about you, but I need to get out and shoot.  All of these workshops are designed to maximize the photo opportunities that these locations offer.  More news on workshops coming soon.




    Kevin Raber
    Owner and Publisher of photoPXL

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