Rumors that Epson have “fixed” the P900 paper feed problems?

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    Topic: Rumors that Epson have “fixed” the P900 paper feed problems? Read 344 Times
  • Timothy Atkins
    Timothy Atkins
    Posts: 6
    Epson Printers
    on: April 17, 2024 at 4:13 pm

    Hi everyone, Im Tim, an painter from Sweden.

    I bought the P900 last year to make prints that I sell to clients.  I was  happy with the printer, very easy to use (maybe a bit TOO easy), frugal on ink, took my 190gms epsom watercolor papers  (though if i loaded more than 5 pages, it would inevitably take 2 papers at the same time at some point)

    My problems were the front paper feed, it wouldn’t work. and I always had problems with thick paper (310gsm Arches). I would literally ave to force the paper in (Ash trying to kill Ripley in Alien comes to mind) Now, I might have damaged the front feed myself, I cant say for sure, but here is a video I sent to Epson,

    Epson P900 front feeder problems (

    who sent out a technician. He let out an exasperated “ahh, this b?&E¤rd again” and told me that Epson HQ in England hated the thing, lots of problems apparently. He offered my money back or a new P900.

    I chose the money and bought an Pro 1000 that I haven’t set up yet. Un fortunately I assumed that I could feed poster board in that too, but it only takes 0.7mm thick papers, and I was aiming to print on thicker material. I also hear about replacing the printhead at a $750 cost every 3 or so years, and the PITA maintenance you seem to have to do to not have it flush all your ink down the toilet.

    So I thought, maybe I should retry the P900. I read here,  that there were rumors that Epson have perhaps done something about the paper feed problems, which is great, but having read literally most if not all forumposts about the troubles with the P900 people have had, most of them have to do with the paper feeding and literally NONE of the answers given involve “checking the thick paper box” option. I myself had not heard of this check box, and have no idea where to find it. This forum is the first time I’ve even seen it mention. Its not mentioned in Keiths Coopers extensive reviews, and not in any other reviews for that matter. The mention is in reply #75471, 

    and here is another mention f it Epson P900 Remember Thick Paper option: Printers and Printing Forum: Digital Photography Review (

    Could it be that there in fact isn’t such a widespread paper feed problem, in reality people have simply not known about the thick paper check box? Then by forcing the tick paper in, they have doen all sorts of damaged to the interior, and thats why they are “failing? (of course, there are always lemons)

    From what Ive understood this “thick paper” check box is on the actual printer, not in the software, so you have to do it via the touch screen?


    Im very interested in hearing your input!

    Cheers Tim in Sweden

    Mark D Segal
    Mark D Segal
    Silver Member
    Posts: 951
    Re: Rumors that Epson have “fixed” the P900 paper feed problems?
    Reply #1 on: April 17, 2024 at 4:35 pm

    Hi Tim, it would appear that you didn’t read my review of the SC-P900 on this website, where I mention (just above Figure 8) as follows: “There is a “thick paper” option via the LCD Menu > General Settings > Printer Settings > Thick Paper **, useful if one gets tiny head strikes due to swelling of the media coating.”

    I also advised to follow Epson’s recommendations generally on which papers to put into which feeds. I believe following the instructions, which are in the manual, one would avoid a lot of the problems that get talked about.

    Timothy Atkins
    Timothy Atkins
    Posts: 6
    Re: Rumors that Epson have “fixed” the P900 paper feed problems?
    Reply #2 on: April 17, 2024 at 4:42 pm

    Hi Tim, it would appear that you didn’t read my review of the SC-P900 on this website, where I mention (just above Figure 8) as follows: “There is a “thick paper” option via the LCD Menu > General Settings > Printer Settings > Thick Paper **, useful if one gets tiny head strikes due to swelling of the media coating.”

    I also advised to follow Epson’s recommendations generally on which papers to put into which feeds. I believe following the instructions, which are in the manual, one would avoid a lot of the problems that get talked about.

    Hello Mark, agreed 100%. Of course, sometimes ones eagerness gets the better of oneself and it all ends in tears!

    So the thick paper setting on the printer  isn’t overridden if you control the printer via Photoshop? That usually overrides anything set on the printer. It seems strange that the “thick paper” option isn’t available in the Epson Print software, or perhaps it is? Is the “thick paper” box for both front and rear feed?

    Ive just come across this forum so I haven’t had a chance to read your review, but I will now!


    Jsut read it, very thorough! SO, from what I can surmise the “thick paper” does not affect the actual paper feed mechanism, only the distance of the print head to paper?

    Another thing I’ve not seen mentioned is that when you load a fine art paper in the front feeder, you get a message to put the front feed slot to its “in” position before actually printing, but not so with poster board.

    Mark D Segal
    Mark D Segal
    Silver Member
    Posts: 951
    Re: Rumors that Epson have “fixed” the P900 paper feed problems?
    Reply #3 on: April 17, 2024 at 5:15 pm

    With the P900 and its current successor that old rule about precedence of settings doesn’t apply any longer. It is more like a hand-shake between the printer panel controls, the driver controls and the application controls. In general, if a particular kind of setting exists only on the LCD, it cannot be turned on or off from the application. For the front feed, thick media is assumed and once the correct Media Type is selected in the driver and on the printer, the paper handling systems should adjust accordingly. Generally when you select the correct Media Type and use the correct feed for that media type the printer is supposed to adjust whatever it needs to adjust for moving that paper through the printer without problems. I can’t explore the details here further for you because I no longer have this printer at hand.

    Timothy Atkins
    Timothy Atkins
    Posts: 6
    Re: Rumors that Epson have “fixed” the P900 paper feed problems?
    Reply #4 on: April 17, 2024 at 5:19 pm

    With the P900 and its current successor that old rule about precedence of settings doesn’t apply any longer. It is more like a hand-shake between the printer panel controls, the driver controls and the application controls. In general, if a particular kind of setting exists only on the LCD, it cannot be turned on or off from the application. For the front feed, thick media is assumed and once the correct Media Type is selected in the driver and on the printer, the paper handling systems should adjust accordingly. Generally when you select the correct Media Type and use the correct feed for that media type the printer is supposed to adjust whatever it needs to adjust for moving that paper through the printer without problems. I can’t explore the details here further for you because I no longer have this printer at hand.

    Thanks Mark, very informational!

    If it were up to you, would you choose the P900 or the Pro 1000 today?

    Mark D Segal
    Mark D Segal
    Silver Member
    Posts: 951
    Re: Rumors that Epson have “fixed” the P900 paper feed problems?
    Reply #5 on: April 17, 2024 at 5:26 pm

    The choice depends on what you want the printer to do. The P1000 has a length limitation of I think now 25 inches, so if you need to ever print longer than that it won’t work. You can’t put stiff  media through the P1000 because it doesn’t have  straight-through paper feed. You can’t print wide panoramas with the P1000 because it doesn’t provide for a roll holder. The P1000 does make fine prints, the feeds are easy to use and it kind of maintains itself as far as dealing with clogs is concerned; but it is probably nearing the end of its commercial life-cycle. If you intend to do a lot of printing and need as much flexibility of options as a current model can provide, I’d suggest looking at the SC-P5300/5370 which I just finished reviewing on this site. It’s currently the best of the lot in the 17″ category.

    Timothy Atkins
    Timothy Atkins
    Posts: 6
    Re: Rumors that Epson have “fixed” the P900 paper feed problems?
    Reply #6 on: April 17, 2024 at 6:24 pm


    Thank you Mark, I have checked to Sc5300 but it is a little out of my price range at $2800 here in Sweden. And my gallery is small, I literally cannot fit it anywhere. Perhaps when the lease is up in 3 years and I move to something bigger, the SC5300 will be an option, but for now I will have to make do with either the Pro 1000 or the P900


    You’ve been very helpful and Im grateful!

    Mark D Segal
    Mark D Segal
    Silver Member
    Posts: 951
    Re: Rumors that Epson have “fixed” the P900 paper feed problems?
    Reply #7 on: April 17, 2024 at 7:33 pm

    I understand your problem – I have the 5300 sitting on a kitchen cart in the dining room, which was an improvement after sitting for a month on the dining room table. 🙂

    Timothy Atkins
    Timothy Atkins
    Posts: 6
    Re: Rumors that Epson have “fixed” the P900 paper feed problems?
    Reply #8 on: April 18, 2024 at 8:36 am

    I understand your problem – I have the 5300 sitting on a kitchen cart in the dining room, which was an improvement after sitting for a month on the dining room table. 🙂

    Yes, its a big one!, my studio that also works as a gallery is only 16×16 foot.. the Pro 1000 barely tucks away under my work bench/display table

    I just had another thought, I don’t think its been covered, but did you try printing on Epsons Enhanced matte poster board with the P900, in color? Keith did but b/w.  I was wondering how a front fed color print would look compared to a rear print of the same image. Would the quality be the same, (assuming that the surface is similar, just one run in the front feeder and one via the back)

    Mark D Segal
    Mark D Segal
    Silver Member
    Posts: 951
    Re: Rumors that Epson have “fixed” the P900 paper feed problems?
    Reply #9 on: April 18, 2024 at 10:55 am

    There should be no difference of print quality for the same print settings regardless of which feed you use.

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