Global Shutter – Important to Me????

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    Topic: Global Shutter – Important to Me???? Read 440 Times
  • Brad Smith
    Brad Smith
    Posts: 31
    New Article Announcements & Discussions
    on: November 18, 2023 at 5:31 pm


    I must be missing something.   Quotes from your Article…..”This camera has changed everything”…….. “will revolutionize cameras forever”……….”the shutters can last forever“.   As I understand what this tech can do, I don’t see how it would impact my photography or that of many other photographers.  I am almost entirely a landscape and still life photographer.  No fast moving subjects like birds or wildlife or sports.  In fact, I very rarely shoot bursts.  And since the advent of digital, I’ve never come close to “wearing out” a shutter because I end up doing body upgrades every 5 or 6 years for better tech that’ll help my photography.  So, other than it improving some of the images from wildlife or sports centric photographers, what does a landsape/still life photgrapher get from this tech that “has changed everything” for them?     


    Kevin Raber
    Kevin Raber
    Silver Member
    Posts: 1327
    Re: Global Shutter – Important to Me????
    Reply #1 on: November 18, 2023 at 11:27 pm

    Brad, you and I might not see huge benefits unless we were doing video, flash photography or shooting with LED light present.  What we will benefit from are new cameras where there is no shutter mechanisms and mechanics.  Have you ever asked yourself why does my digital camera look like a SLR film camera?  I predict new camera designs that will be more ergonomic and be designed with the user in mind.  I have seen designs of some proposed camera bodies.  They are really interesting.  Shutter speeds will be way better too.

    But, if you don’t need the global shutter then just keep using the camera you use today.  In the end though new cameras will only come with global shutters.  The landscape photographer is a tiny niche in the photo market and the majority of shooters are going to benefit greatly from a global shutter.  Frankly I’m excited about the global shutter and it may help broaden the kind of work I do.  I just may start enjoying shooting birds and doing more video.


    Kevin Raber
    Owner and Publisher of photoPXL

    Kevin Raber
    Kevin Raber
    Silver Member
    Posts: 1327
    Re: Global Shutter – Important to Me????
    Reply #2 on: November 19, 2023 at 3:47 pm

    For giggles and grins and just plain curiosity I wanted to see what AI would write regrading the question above.  This took a total of 15 seconds for AI to generate.

    As a landscape photographer, using a camera with a global shutter can offer several benefits:

    1. Elimination of rolling shutter distortion: Global shutter captures the entire frame simultaneously, without any time delay between the top and bottom of the sensor. This eliminates the rolling shutter effect, which can occur when capturing fast-moving subjects or panning the camera. This ensures that all elements in the frame are recorded at the same instance, resulting in more accurate and distortion-free images.

    2. Sharpness and detail preservation: Global shutter helps maintain the sharpness and detail in your landscapes. Traditional rolling shutters can create image distortions, especially when capturing scenes with motion such as moving water or trees swaying in the wind. With a global shutter, each part of the image is captured simultaneously, allowing for greater clarity and preserving finer details.

    3. Better capture of fast-moving subjects: If you photograph landscapes with elements like moving clouds, passing boats, or flowing rivers, a global shutter can freeze the motion more effectively. It ensures that each frame captures the subject with precision, making it particularly useful for long exposures or capturing dynamic scenes.

    4. Superior low-light performance: Global shutter sensors often have larger pixels, which can enhance low-light performance. With better sensitivity to light, you can achieve cleaner images and maintain good exposure even in challenging lighting conditions, such as during sunrise or sunset.

    5. Improved flexibility in post-processing: With a global shutter, images can be edited more effectively in post-processing. Since there’s no rolling shutter distortion, it becomes easier to make adjustments to elements within the frame without causing unwanted artifacts or inconsistencies.

    Ultimately, using a camera with a global shutter can provide landscape photographers with more control, precision, and flexibility in capturing stunning images of the natural world.

    This message has been generated by Nova 

    Kevin Raber
    Owner and Publisher of photoPXL

    Brad Smith
    Brad Smith
    Posts: 31
    Re: Global Shutter – Important to Me????
    Reply #3 on: November 20, 2023 at 2:24 pm

    This is a great example of the power (and sophistication) of Ai.  Impressive


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