Sony a7riv – Let The Fun Begin


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    Topic: Sony a7riv – Let The Fun Begin Read 1790 Times
  • Kevin Raber
    Kevin Raber
    Silver Member
    Posts: 1327
    PXL News
    on: September 15, 2019 at 10:45 am

    Just received my Sony a7riv from Roberts Photo.  I set up the menus and custom function and what little I have taken looks really good.  I’ll be doing some comparisons over the next week with a7riii and look at High ISO and Dynamic range.  I don’t think there will be any issues with image quality.  I use G-Master lens so I should be good to go as far as capable lenses go.  I can’t wait to try the 240mp mode.  I’ll do my best to post an article about this along with downloadable samples.

    I have lots of projects in the works right now so we will get through these as quick as possible.  Look for a video and images of an indoor frisbee match with the a9 and the new firmware.  Pretty damn impressive.  Downloadable samples will be available.


    Kevin Raber
    Owner and Publisher of photoPXL

    Ron Gentry
    Ron Gentry
    Silver Member
    Posts: 4
    Re: Sony a7riv – Let The Fun Begin
    Reply #1 on: September 24, 2019 at 5:41 pm

    I just did my first test of the 16-frame pixel-shift feature in the new Sony a7rIV. I am very impressed. I photographed one of my wife’s art quilts with a Zeiss 55mm lens at f/8 from a distance of about 25 ft. I did a single shot, then the 4-frame pixel shift, then the 16-frame pixel shift. Here are the results: 1, 4, 16 left-to-right. The improvement from one frame to 4 is modest, but there is a huge improvement in the 19008×12672 image from the 16-frame composite made in Imaging Edge. Wow!Mark4-SS

    Ron Gentry

    Kevin Raber
    Kevin Raber
    Silver Member
    Posts: 1327
    Re: Sony a7riv – Let The Fun Begin
    Reply #2 on: September 25, 2019 at 10:40 am

    Pretty impressive.  I need to process the Pixel-Shift images I did.  Sounds like a wine time project for later today.


    Kevin Raber
    Owner and Publisher of photoPXL

    Mike Nelson Pedde
    Mike Nelson Pedde
    Posts: 641
    Re: Sony a7riv – Let The Fun Begin
    Reply #3 on: September 26, 2019 at 4:41 pm

    Jim Kasson has also been having his way with the A7R IV, including the pixel shift option. You can read about his adventures here:


    Mike Nelson Pedde
    Victoria, BC

    Eric Brody
    Eric Brody
    Posts: 72
    Re: Sony a7riv – Let The Fun Begin
    Reply #4 on: October 1, 2019 at 3:26 pm

    Has anyone compared the results from Imaging Edge with those from the Pixelshift to DNG from Libraw? I’ve been using the Pixelshift to DNG since it was released for my shifted images and have been impressed.

    Kevin Raber
    Kevin Raber
    Silver Member
    Posts: 1327
    Re: Sony a7riv – Let The Fun Begin
    Reply #5 on: October 1, 2019 at 9:50 pm

    Can you share some images?


    Kevin Raber
    Owner and Publisher of photoPXL

    Jeff Griffin
    Jeff Griffin
    Posts: 19
    Re: Sony a7riv – Let The Fun Begin
    Reply #6 on: October 17, 2019 at 11:58 am

    I will probably be joining the a7Riv  fun in the near future.

    Considering pairing up with some of the Zeiss Batis range of lenses, for me they handled well when I tried them in my local camera shop.

    Would the combination be a good one for prime lenses to start with and then go for, say, Sony’s 200 – 600mm   relatively new internal zoom lens should I want to do wildlife / sports at a later date ?









    Kevin Raber
    Kevin Raber
    Silver Member
    Posts: 1327
    Re: Sony a7riv – Let The Fun Begin
    Reply #7 on: October 17, 2019 at 7:54 pm

    I just finished a two-week road trip with the a7riv and I am happy with the results.  I’ll start working on a report on this trip with the camera over the next few days.  I am also working on a Fuji GFX100 article and a new iPhone.  Lots of irons in the fire now.  A fun time to be taking photos.  I have shot the G-Master lenses as well as Zeis.  The G-master zooms are very good and give you a lot of versatility.


    Kevin Raber
    Owner and Publisher of photoPXL

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