Sony a7r V — Am I Upgrading?

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    Topic: Sony a7r V — Am I Upgrading? Read 475 Times
  • Jonathan Cross
    Jonathan Cross
    Posts: 51
    New Article Announcements & Discussions
    on: November 4, 2022 at 1:34 pm

    Thanks for the article, Kevin.  I am in your camp, more interested in stills.  In your article you mention the Fuji X-H2 and X-T5.  I was looking forward to the release of the X-T5 having an X-T3 and X-T4.  More MP would give more scope to crop, and various other of the new features, plus a slightly smaller size, had me thinking of upgrading, until…

    There is a list for the H2 of lenses that are the best suited.  As the T5 has the same sensor, it seems that will apply to it as well.  There are some notable omissions from the list of lenses that I have, 14mm, 18-55, 550-200, and 56R.  The new 56 is on the list.  I have seen a comment that those not on the list may not be able to resolve at 40MP.  I am a little surprised by the list as the 56R is missing but the small 50f2 is there.  I have the 50f2 for use with my X-E4 along with the 27 and 35f2 as my carry everywhere kit, all three of which are on the list.

    I rang Fuji UK and they just said that all X lenses will work, just that those not on the list will not get the best out of the T5.  They did not elaborate.  They suggested that I take my lenses to the Fuji London shop or use the Fuji loan before buying scheme and take some sample images to view at home and make up my mind.  In particular I could take my 56 and compare with the new.

    This has unsettled me.  I bought the 56 as a good lens which, for me, was quite expensive.  I do not like to think that it might not perform well on a T5 and would be reluctant to upgrade the lens.  Weight is a consideration for me and I would not want to upgrade the 18-55 to the 16-55 f2,8, and then there is the expense.

    I will wait for full reviews of the T5 come out, and hope this lens issue is addressed.  If there is a resolution problem, then it would be helpful to know the resolution of lenses and be able to relate them to the sensor pixel size.  Perhaps a suggestion for an informative article?

    Best wishes,


    Mark D Segal
    Mark D Segal
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    Posts: 951
    Re: Sony a7r V — Am I Upgrading?
    Reply #1 on: November 4, 2022 at 2:04 pm

    As an a7R4 owner I too can’t think of any compelling reason to trade it up for the new model. But looking at it from the manufacturer’s end, I wonder what the economic projections are in the corporate planning departments to contemplate issuing new models in current conditions. The camera market is really saturated, there are still supply-chain issues affecting delivery of all kinds of components being used in electronic devices across the board and consumers are wary of major expenditures given the economic uncertainties the whole world is going through. It just doesn’t seem to me like the right time for it, but they most likely know more than I do, or think along different lines.

    Oliver Ritter-Wolff
    Oliver Ritter-Wolff
    Silver Member
    Posts: 203
    Re: Sony a7r V — Am I Upgrading?
    Reply #2 on: November 9, 2022 at 2:49 pm

    The current mirrorless systems, especially the big 3, have become so good (but also so expensive) that it is easy to understand why Kevin does not buy the a7rV in his case, especially since he has the a1 and the a7rIV (and also the Fuji X system). In the past, the differences and strengths of the systems were clearer, so that depending on the segment you wanted to serve, it could be advantageous to run several systems in parallel. Today this is actually no longer necessary and in each of the systems there are cameras for almost every application.

    We have also been consolidating our equipment for some time and will soon only be using one system. Ultimately, this also saves considerable costs and reduces complexity.


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